Title: The AAPM TG51 Protocol
1The AAPM TG-51 Protocol
D.W.O. Rogers National Research Council of
Canada Ottawa http//www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs
2AAPMs TG-51 Protocol
Clinical reference dosimetry of high- energy
photon and electron beams
60Co to 50 MV photons 5 to 50 MeV
Peter Almond (chair)
Peter Biggs
Bert Coursey
Saiful Huq
Will Hanson
Ravinder Nath
Dave Rogers
3Current Clinical Practice
- use ion chambers
- use NK , air-kerma calibration factor to
determine Ngas - basically just mgas
- use cavity theory lots of data to determine the
absorbed dose to water
4Problems with current practice
- air-kerma based protocols are very complex
- absorbed dose from air-kerma calibration
- calibration in 60Co but want dose in accelerator
beams - uncertainty is too large
- air-kerma standards have problems
5Absorbed-dose standards
- standard is for quantity of interest
- different standardsgt robust system
- only for photons (at present)
- very simple protocols possible
6Absorbed-dose standards
3 different approaches - different systematic
- graphite calorimeter (NPL, BIPM,NIST, NRC)
- water calorimeter (NRC, NIST, Gent)
- total energy absorption (PTB)
7Clinical photon dosimetry
- calibrate chambers in each appropriate beam
quality - very expensive/impossible in North America
(ADCLs dont have accelerators)
8Clinical photon dosimetry
- create a new protocol based on absorbed-dose
calibration in 60Co beams - much simpler for users
- much easier for calibration labs
9Starts with
absorbed dose to water calibration factor
absorbed dose to water under reference
conditions in a beam of quality Q, at point of
measurement of chamber in its absence (Gy)
fully corrected chamber reading (C)
ND,w must be traceable to the national primary
standard for absorbed dose
In practice, calibrate at an ADCL, NIST or
NRCC Need two independent checks of calibration
in the clinic
11In-water ? waterproof
Ideal waterproof chamber
Waterproofing sheath lt1mm of PMMA or thin latex
12General formalism
- kQ is the quality conversion factor
- it accounts for ND,w variation with Q
13Photon beams
TG-51 contains kQ values for all known reference
level ion chambers kQ varies by 5
14Electron beams
kQ has 3 components measured in clinic
presented in protocol vs R50
kecal converts to
15Formalism summary
16Measurement phantoms
Reference dosimetry is done in a water phantom
ONLY, at least 30x30x30 cm3
17Charge measurement
Polarity correction Press/temp Electrometer
correction Pelec
18Pion recombination correction
Lower voltages preferred Pion lt1.05
Linear approx. to 2-voltage technique for pulsed
19Beam quality specification
To allow selection of kQ factors Photons dd(10)x
instead of . Electrons R50
directly instead of Eo from R50
20Photon beam quality
dd(10)x depth dose at 10cm from photon
component (i.e. excluding e- contamination) for
10x10cm2 beam at surface for SSD100cm
21Measuring dd(10)
Pgr is 1 at dmax up to 1 less at 10 cm
depth. For measuring depth-dose only, use
effective point of measurement. shift depth-dose
upstream by 0.6rcav
22Photon 0.6rcav depth-shift
23Electron contamination
At 10 MV above, electron contamination affects
Dmax and hence dd(10) dd(10)x 1.2667 dd(10)
- 20.0 where dd(10) is measured value
25Electron contamination
accelerator head
1mm lead removes variable e- adds known e-
Variable e-
26Lead foil correction
- e- contamination is machine specific
- remove head e- using a 1 mm lead foil at 50cm
from phantom - calculate e- effects from lead
- dd(10)x
- 0.89050.00150dd(10)Pbdd(10)Pb
Open beam
Lead in place
27Problems with TPR
28Why use dd(10)x
29Reference Conditions Photons
- depth 10 g/cm2
- field size 10 x 10 cm2
- SSD or SAD setups are allowed
- 60Co calibration factors at 5 g/cm2 in an
SSD100cm setup are acceptable
30Reference Conditions Photons
10 cm
10 cm
SSD setup SAD setup
31Clinical Photon Dosimetry
ideally measure kQ using primary standards
32Measured kQ values
Seuntjens et al
33kQ - cylindrical chambers
34kQ comparison to previous
35e- beam quality
R501.029 I50 - 0.063 cm or use good
36R501.029 I50 - 0.063 cm
37Reference conditions e-
Depth dref 0.6 R50 - 0.1 cm field size gt
10x10 cm2 on surface R50lt8.5 cm gt 20x20 cm2 on
surface R50gt8.5 cm SSD as used in clinic
38Dref 0.6 R50 - 0.1 cm
39Electron beam dosimetry
depends on users beam must be measured in clinic
40kQ for electron beams
converts to
contains chamber variation
contains all R50 variation
41(No Transcript)
42(No Transcript)
43Why so complex for e-?
- can be measured
- used with plane-parallel cross-calibration
44Why so complex for e-?
1 for plane-parallel
same for all Farmer chambers same for all
well-guarded p-p
45Plane-parallel chambers
Preferred - cross-calibrate against calibrated
cylindrical chamber
46Plane-parallel chambers
from cyl
Alternatively, use kecal, and proceed
as usual.
47Dose change 60Co (Can)
chamber TG-21 best calc NE2571
1.004 1.001 NE2581
1.009 1.007 NE2561 1.004
1.001 PR-06 1.009
1.005 Exradin A12 1.003
0.998 PTW30001 1.003 0.999
Seuntjens et al, 1999
48Dose change 60Co (US)
chamber TG-21 best calc NE2571
1.015 1.012 NE2581
1.020 1.018 NE2561 1.015
1.012 PR-06 1.020
1.016 Exradin A12 1.014
1.009 PTW30001 1.014 1.010
Seuntjens et al Shortt et al
49Dose change photons (Can)
Dose TG-51/Dose TG-21 at 10 cm
PR-06 NE2571 SL20
6 MV 1.002 0.996 18 MV
1.000 1.002 KD2 6 MV
1.001 0.995 18 MV 0.997
Ding et al
50Dose change photons (US)
Dose TG-51/Dose TG-21 at 10 cm
PR-06 NE2571 SL20
6 MV 1.012 1.007 18 MV
1.011 1.013 KD2 6 MV
1.012 1.006 18 MV 1.008
Ding et al Shortt et al
51Dose change electrons (Can)
Dose TG-51/Dose TG-21 at dmax
Energy kecal cross-calibration
6 1.006 0.991 9
1.013 0.998 11 1.014
0.998 13 1.016
1.001 17 1.031 1.015 20
1.026 1.010
Cygler et al
52Dose change electrons (US)
Dose TG-51/Dose TG-21 at dmax
Energy kecal cross-calibration
6 1.017 1.002 9
1.024 1.003 11 1.025
1.003 13 1.027
1.012 17 1.042 1.026 20
1.037 1.021
Cygler et al Shortt et al
53What have we gained?
- uses consistent stopping-power ratios
- more accurate beam quality specification
- accounts for aluminium electrodes
- avoids in-air to in-water conversion
54What have we gained?
- avoids Eo at surface
- avoids extensive tables of stopping-power ratios
- uses realistic e- beams in sprs
55What have we gained?
For photons, ignore everything answer is still
correct within 5 (slightly worse for e-)
56What have we gained?
Standards of air-kerma absorbed-dose have same
uncertainty. Protocol avoids step from air-kerma
to absorbed dose. kQ can be directly measured
57Summary - photons
- get a traceable
- measure dd(10) with lead foil
- deduce dd(10)x for open beam
- measure Mraw at 10 g/cm2
- M PionPTPPelecPpol Mraw
58Summary -photons (cont)
- lookup kQ for your chamber
59Summary - electrons
- get a traceable
- measure I50 to give R50
- deduce dref 0.6 R50 -0.1 cm
- measure Mraw at dref
- M PionPTPPelecPpol Mraw
60Summary -electrons(cont)
- lookup kecal for your chamber
- determine (fig, formula)
- establish (Mraw 2 depths)
61Equipment Needed
- Ion chamber and electrometer
- calibration traceable to national std
- equipment for 2 independent checks
- voltage supply (2 voltages, both signs)
- waterproofing for ion chamber ( if needed)
lt1mm PMMA
62Equipment Needed
- water phantom (at least 30x30x30 cm3)
- lead foil for photons 10MV and above
- 1 mm ? 20
- system to measure air pressure and water
63Status of TG-51
- TG-51 is approved by AAPM
- in press, Med. Phys. (Sept issue)
- ADCLs ready to provide absorbed dose calibration
factors - round robins tighter than for air kerma
- TG-51 simplifies clinical reference dosimetry
- TG-51 improves the accuracy of clinical reference
dosimetry - presentation on-line at
- www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs