Title: Gayla Shrader
1Gayla Shrader
Small Business Owner
2Special Olympics Volunteer
Gayla Shrader, a resident of Alabama and a member
of the Echota Cherokee tribe, is proud to
volunteer to serve her community in any way she
can. In fact, Gayla Shrader was a volunteer for
the Special Olympics when it occurred in
Nashville, TN. Gayla Shrader believes that it is
important to give back to the community,
especially when the member of the community is
underserved and marginalized by the larger group.
Gayla Shrader hopes to volunteer with this
organization again in the future.
3Law Of Attraction Specialist
Gayla Shrader is a trained a certified specialist
in the Law of Attraction. According to Gayla
Shrader, the Law of Attraction refers to the idea
that a person can achieve whatever they would
like to achieve by using their brain to attract
what they want to do. Gayla Shrader believes that
anyone can use the Law of Attraction to greatly
improve their lives. In fact, Gayla Shrader
trains people to use the Law of Attraction to
their benefit.
4Educator Gayla Shrader
Gayla Shrader is a Native American small business
owner who lives and works in the state of
Alabama. In her spare time, Gayla Shrader has
dedicated herself to educating people of all ages
about the issues facing the Native American
population. Gayla Shrader says that she is glad
for any opportunity she can take to share more
about her culture and history. Gayla Shrader
thinks that it is very important for this
nations children to learn more about the Native
American population.
5Contact Us
- Address
- 3103 Airport Blvd
- Mobile
- Alabama
- 36606