Title: Teija Rom-Colthoff – A Skilled Baton Twirler
1Teija Rom-Colthoff A Skilled Baton Twirler
2Teija Rom-Colthoff is a hardworking and honest
individual with an industrious work ethic.
Currently in the process of completing her high
school degree part time, she displays commitment
and integrity to her academic coursework. In
addition to learning the course material for the
purpose of receiving good grades, she is
genuinely interested in what is being taught.
She comes from a family that values and believes
in the power of education for the betterment of
life. She is a dedicated student, and in
addition to academics, she also participates in
extracurricular activates that help in overall
psychological and mental development.
3Teija is an accomplished baton twirler with
several Canadian championships, and has placed in
the top 20 at the world competitions. Teija
Rom-Colthoff is very talented and some of her
most forthcoming qualities include ability to
learn quickly, adaptability, exceptional
organizational skills, a professional demeanor,
sophisticated psychosocial skills, and an eye for
detail. She is currently working in a billiard
hall, to earn money for college. Prior to this,
she has worked as a sales associate, coach, and
specialty supervisor. She aspires to be a
medical assistant and is working very hard to
achieve that goal.
4In 2012, Teija Rom-Colthoff was hired as a sales
associate for Spirit Halloween in Aurora, ON.
Her duties included processing cash, assisting
customers and managing changing rooms. She also
assisted in processing store merchandise
(inventory count, packaging products, etc.). She
is a reliable and responsible employee, and she
was counted on by her supervisor to take care of
customers needs anytime. Her performance at her
job was always praised by her superiors. Since
August 2011, she has been working as a coach at
Spectrum North Baton Club in Aurora. She has
shared her skills and talent to help youngsters
that wish to learn Baton.
5Thank You!