Title: Variables Affecting Outcomes for a Drug Addiction Program
1Variables Affecting Outcomes for a Drug Addiction
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2Variables Affecting Outcomes for a Drug Addiction
Program1. Attend a Treatment Program2. Follow
Up3. Willingness4. Level of Surrender5.
Accountability6. Action Taken
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1. Attend a Treatment Program
Attending a treatment program at all, whether
that be inpatient, outpatient, counseling, or
simply attending 12 step meetings.
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2. Follow Up
Follow up with continued care after leaving or
finishing treatment.
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3. Willingness
Level of willingness going into the program.
Desire to stay clean and sober. Desire to change
their life.
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4. Level of Surrender
This is slightly different than the willingness
level. This is a measure of how beat down you
are from your addiction. The more intense your
suffering, the greater potential you have to
translate that into willingness for change.
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5. Accountability
If you are living in a long term drug addiction
program, then you probably have a ton of
accountability looking over your shoulder at all
times. Some forms of treatment have more
accountability than others. For example, if you
are just taking medication to try and fix your
drug addiction, there is almost zero
accountability in that. On the other hand, if
you get alcohol detox help and stay in treatment
for 28 days and then attend meetings on a regular
basis, there is quite a bit more accountability
built into that routine.
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5. Action Taken
This can be a summary of your entire recovery
efforts. If a person has good intentions, and
genuinely wants to stay clean, this means nothing
unless they back this up with continuous,
positive action. Most people think that a modest
effort towards things like 12 step meetings,
counseling, or therapy will be enough to produce
decent results in their recovery. The news flash
is that a modest effort will always result in
relapse. No one can sneak by without putting in
the work. Recovery takes lots and lots of work.
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