Fixing browser Redirection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fixing browser Redirection


Browser hijacking is a serious nuisance in today’s web surfing experience. Fortunately, avoiding a browser hijacking is not impossible if you stay aware, and take a few simple precautions. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: scottgelbard123


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Title: Fixing browser Redirection

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? Internet Security 2013 Virus
Ho w to Prevent Bro ws er Hijack infectio n
The Definitive Guide to Identifying and Fixing
Browser Redirection Viruses Po s ted o n
December 24, 2013 by Mary Alleyne
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T he following instruc tions will help you
restore your browsers default searc h page,
remove all unwanted searc h bars (toolbars)
installed into your browser by adware programs,
and get bac k your PC to normal.
Searc h engine redirec tion or browser hijac
king (often referred to as a Google redirec tion
problem) c an be a very serious and annoying
issue for many ac tive Internet users these
days. Suc h problems might oc c ur with any
searc h engine, inc luding Yahoo, AOL, Bing, etc .
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How does it happen?
T here are two c ommon ways of how browser hijac
kers may integrate themselves with your browser
either legally or illegally. T he first method c
alls for a users partic ipation in the
installation proc ess of browser hijac kers.
Users are direc tly notified about installation
of a spec ial program of browser add- on. It is c
learly stated by the program that in c ase of
installing suc h applic ation the searc h engine
will be modified, the default start page will be
amended and replac ed with a new one (depending
on the name of browser hijac ker). As a result of
suc h installation authorized by user, a new add-
on is installed, resulting searc h redirec tions
through a new window that has c ertain web
address, instead of the default blank page of
your browser.
In many c ases browser hijac kers c ome into c
omputers without a users permission. It is
generally brought into your system by malware
through applic ation of c ertain browser
vulnerabilities available. T he installation proc
edure is hidden from users attention.
Sometimes, the user is unaware of the
unauthorized installation.
Cat egories
General Tips Tricks
Lists of rec ommended steps to fix browser
redirec tion problem
Remove all adware, browser hijac kers and other
unwanted programs through the Control Panel of
your c omputer.
Sc an your system with powerful antivirus program.
Chec k the Loc al Area Network (LAN) settings of
your system.
Chec k if DNS settings have been amended by
browser hijac ker.
Chec k browser add- ons. Remove all unknown or
suspic ions add- ons detec ted (enabled).
Chec king Windows HOST S file c ontents
Sc an your c omputer with Kasperskys T DSS
Killer (T DSSKiller) to get rid of malware
that belongs to Rootkit.Win32.T DSS family.
Consider using CCleaner to remove all
undesirable system/temp files and browser c ac he.
Consider running adware- c leaning applic
Restoring desktop shortc uts of hijac ked
Reset your Router to the fac tory default
1. Remove adware and browser hijac kers through
the Control Panel of your PC
It is of primary importanc e to first get rid
of all adware programs and browser hijac kers
through Add/Remove Programs sec tion of your
Control Panel (when using Windows XP), or through
Uninstall a program sec tion of Control Panel in
Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8). For this
purpose please refer to the Start Menu. Choose
Control Panel, and then go to Add/Remove
Programs. Likewise, when using Windows Vista,
Windows 7 or Windows 8, selec t Control Panel and
c hoose Uninstall a Program.
Now, with Windows 8 things are a little bit
different. What you should do is just direc t the
mouse pointer to the right c orner of the sc
reen, and then selec t Searc h from the list, and
searc h for Control Panel.
In the respec tive sec tion of Searc h window,
type Control Panel, and you will see the searc
h results as follows
So, after youve opened the sec tions Add/Remove
or Uninstall a Program, c arefully browse
through the c ontents of presently installed
applic ations and get rid of partic ular adware
or browser hijac ker, toolbar, searc h bar or
anything else that has the name similar to that
site through whic h your browser redirec ts your
searc h. Keep in mind that if suc h program is
in the list of installed programs, then it
appeared there bec ause of your direc t partic
ipation in its installation proc ess. You may ac
tually c lic k Installed programs and even
sorts these installed applic ations by date. When
you find anything suspic ious that might c ause
browser redirec tion, selec t this applic ation
and c lic k Remove. When using Windows Vista,
Windows 7 or Windows 8, c hoose Uninstall in the
upper part of the window. Onc e the program is
suc c essfully removed make sure you c lose the
Control Panel window.
2. T he next step is to sc an with effec tive
malware removal tools like Malwarebytes Anti-
Malware, Bullguard, Kaspersky Lab, BitDefender,
Webroot, etc .
3. Chec k the Loc al Area Network (LAN) settings
Go to Start Menu and again selec t Control
Choose Network and Internet.
Choose Internet Options.
Go to Connec tions tab, afterwards c lic k LAN
settings button.
Remove (unc hec k) the c hec kbox under Proxy
server option and c lic k OK.
4 . Chec k DNS settings
Go to Start Menu and refer to Control Panel.
Choose Network and Internet.
Go to Network and Sharing Center.
Selec t Loc al Area Connec tion.
Choose Properties.
Choose Internet Protoc ol Version 6 (T CP/IP
V6) and selec t Properties.
Selec t Obtain DNS server address automatic
ally and c lic k OK.
5. Chec k browser add- ons
Go to Start Menu and direc t your mouse pointer
towards Control Panel.
Choose Network and Internet.
In the sec tion Internet Options c hoose
Manage browser add- ons.
Get rid of any unknown or suspic ious T oolbars
or Searc h Providers.
6. Chec k Windows HOST S file c ontents
Go to C\WINDOWS\\system32\\drivers\\etc .
Double- c lic k hosts file to open it. Selec t
the option to open it using Notepad.
T he hosts file must look the same as in the
image below. T here should be just one line loc alhost in Windows XP and
loc alhost 1 in Windows Vista/Seven. If there
are more, then remove them and apply c hanges.
Important! You may also c hoose the feature to
reset your HOST S file using the T ool of
GridinSoft T rojan Killer as shown at the image
7. Sc an with Kasperskys T DSS Killer (free
applic ation)
Wait for the sc an and disinfec tion proc ess to
be c ompleted. Shut down all applic ations and
hit Y key to reboot your system.
8. Use CCleaner
CCleaner is the applic ation that c an be easily
googled and thus downloaded. When running it,
keep in mind that it will c lean the entire T
emp direc tory of your c omputer, so if you have
anything important in it please first save the
data you need into other loc ations.
9. Run adware- c leaning applic ations
T his option is also rec ommended. T here are
many working and effec tive automatic solutions
that might be helpful to you when dealing with
browser redirec tion issues.
10. Clean shortc uts of browsers that have been
hijac ked
T his step applies only to c ertain browser hijac
kers whic h are extremely severe. However, it
is strongly rec ommended that you perform this
important step. So, searc h for your browser
shortc ut depending on where it is loc ated
on Desktop, in T askbar or in Start Menu. Now,
right- c lic k it and selec t Properties
Clic k Shortc ut tab and get rid of any name of
the site through whic h searc h redirec tion oc c
urs from the T arget field and c lic k OK to
apply c hanges. Generally, there should be only
the path to the exec utable file of your
browser, nothing else. See how this is
represented on the example of Google Chrome
11. Reset Router to fac tory default settings
At this point we should emphasize that
resetting the router to the fac tory default
settings is the option to whic h you should
adhere only if other tric ks above didnt work.
So, this rec ommendation should only be followed
if in spite of all the above- mentioned rec
ommendations you still have the redirec t virus
on your mac hine. T hen you should flush DNS c ac
Clic k Start and in the open spac e write down
run T his surely applies to Windows Vista
and Windows 7 operating systems. With Windows XP
you may fine Run onc e you c lic k Start
menu option. With Windows 8 you may direc t your
mouse pointer towards the right sec tion of your
desktop until the menu c omes up with Searc h
tab. T his is where you may look for Run c
T ype c md without quotation marks.
In a new window please type ipc onfig /flushdns
without quotation marks and press Enter.
By following the above steps, you will be able
to c ompletely remove Browser Hijac k Virus
from your internet browser. If you still
experienc e issues, c ontac t online Virus
Removal servic e like Jupiter Support, who will
guide you through the removal of the virus at a
low c ost of only 29.
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