Title: Hartley T. Bernstein - LLP
1 Hartley Bernstein
Hartley Bernstein, the founder and
publisher of StockPatrol.com, is widely
as one of Wall
Streets leading watchdogs.
2 About Stock Patrol
StockPatrol.com subscribes to the idea that
information is power. Our mission is to inquire,
investigate, research and report on interesting,
odd and unusual developments in the securities
markets. We believe that such information will
enable our readers to thoughtfully assess and
address the existence of scams, schemes and
scandals in the investment community.
3 Bernstein Cherney LLP - Services
- Bernstein Cherney LLP is a boutique New York City
law firm with extensive experience in corporate
law, civil litigation and real estate matters. - LITIGATION
4 Mission Statement
Stockpatrol.com seeks to provide information
which will help investors better protect
themselves. We do not recommend the purchase or
sale of any securities, and our articles are not
designed to encourage or discourage particular
investments although we may from time to time
question the actions or activities of particular
companies or brokerage firms. Instead, we seek to
encourage investors to ask questions, to demand
answers and to take control of their investments.
5Contact US
767 Third Avenue 30th Floor, New York New York
10017 Tel 212-381-9684
Cell 917-656-4550 e-mail hbernstein_at_bernsteinc
herney.com Fax 646-304-953 http//www.bernsteinc