Title: What Is Estate Planning?
2Sureties of Life
3They say that death and taxes are the sureties
of life
4Most people engage in tax planning
5However, the majority of Americans have not
executed the appropriate estate planning documents
6Transferring Assets
7ESTATE PLANNING involves arranging for the
transfer of your monetary assets to your loved
ones after you die
8 9You could use a last will to record your final
wishes regarding the transfer of your assets
10However, this is not your only option
11 12If you use a will, the heirs do not receive their
inheritances until the estate has been probated
13Probate can be time consuming and expensive
14 15It is possible to plan your estate in a way that
enables probate avoidance
16 17One way to avoid probate would be to arrange for
asset transfers through the terms of a revocable
living trust rather than a last will
18Advanced Estate Planning
Can Probate Be Avoided?
19Wills and revocable trusts are commonly used
estate planning devices
20However, there are more advanced estate planning
21The optimal course of action will vary depending
on the circumstances
22Davenport Estate Planning Consultation
Can Probate Be Avoided?
23Estate planning is a must for all responsible
24If you would like to take the first step, contact
our firm to schedule a free consultation
25Click to visit www.DuffyLawOffice.com