Title: Dog Obedience Games You Can Play
1Dog Obedience Games You Can Play
2An obedient dog is more pleasant to be around for
both you and the people who come over to house.
If your dog is properly behaved, you tend to want
to be around him more and enjoy play time with
him. View site.
3It is ironic that the more board a dog is from
lack of play and companionship, the more behavior
problems he will display. Therefore, the more
that you play with your dog, the more
opportunities you have for obedience training.
4Dog Obedience Games Teaching Come
Hide and seek is a great way for you and your
child to play with your dog. This is a very fun
and teaches your dog the very important command
that is Come.
5Hide somewhere, either inside your home or out in
the yard, and call your dogs name, followed with
the command Come. Once your dog finds you, give
him lots of praise. Do not run, and tell your
child not to run from your dog. This is not a
chase, just hide and seek.
6You can play this game for as long both of you
are interested. Just remember that you should not
use of the command Come if you intend to come
to you for a punishment. Your dog will be more
reluctant to come if you do that.
7Dog Obedience Games Teaching Stay
This game is best for dogs who already have a
basic understanding of the Stay command. It
takes Stay to the next level, by having your
dog stay even when you leave the room. Put a toy
or treat on the ground near your dog and tell
your dog to stay.
8This means that your dog is not allowed to take
the toy or treat yet. Accompany the command with
a hand-up gesture that indicates Stop works
well with this command. When your dog
successfully stays without touching the treat,
release the dog and let him have the treat.
9Next, let your dog see you hiding the treat while
he is in the stay position. Release your dog and
let him find the treat. Do this a few times until
your dog understands the game. By this time, you
should not be ready to leave the room while you
hide the treat.
10Only let your dog look for the treat when he
stays in the other room in stay position. Keep
increasing the distance and difficulty, as your
dog gets better at the game.
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