Title: Baby is the Name of New Creation
1Baby is the Name of New Creation
2In this virtual world there is two universal
truth of life i.e. birth and death. Giving birth
to a baby is the precious gift from God and after
such a wonderful event the life of a woman
becomes meaningful. A first time
mom-to-be needs to be very careful at the
pregnancy times, because several heartbreaking
events may occur. So they have to look for the
best prenatal care. Being a mother is a big
challenge of a womans life.
3Birth of a baby varies from mother to mother it
may be a normal delivery or be a
cesareans. According to my view
normal delivery is the better one. Better
professionals, midwives are readily available for
taking care of you during your pre-pregnancy
4Midwives understands the pain of a would be
mother and also clarifies your doubts regarding
the restlessness, helplessness at the time of
pregnancy. They will take care of both mother and
newly born baby.
5There are many process occurred during the
delivery period i.e. the labor process which
plays a vital role and it ends when the cervix
gets expanded. When you see and touch the most
awaited person, the whole ache vanishes and you
feel proud to have your motherhood.
Above all this is only the description in my
point of view if you have interest to know more
you can have from abama mama.
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