In the Name of Allah God, The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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In the Name of Allah God, The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful


The Authenticity of the Qur'an and the Bible in the Light of Science ... How to deduce New Knowledge from The Noble Qur'an? In Biomedical Engineering. The Question ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: In the Name of Allah God, The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah (God), The Most
Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Miracles of Knowledge Found in The Noble Quran
and The Teachings of Prophet Mohammad Peace Be
Upon Him
  • Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
  • Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
  • E-mail
  • Website

Islams View on Christianity
  • Topics to be addressed
  • The authenticity of the Quran and the Bible in
    the light of science.
  • Jesus peace be upon him in Islam and
  • The day of Resurrection from an Islamic and
    Christian perspective.
  • Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

Part One
  • The Authenticity of the Quran and the Bible in
    the Light of Science

Introduction to the Last Revelation to
MankindThe Noble Quran
Allahs Revelations throughout the ages
  • Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him)
  • The main theme of the Pharos
  • Magic
  • Witchcraft
  • Miracles of Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him)
  • The transformation from plant kingdom to animal

Allahs Revelations throughout the ages
  • Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him)
  • The main theme of the People of his time
  • Medicine
  • Miracles of Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him)
  • Raising the dead (By Allahs command and wish)
  • Healing the Blind (By Allahs command)

Allahs Final Revelation to MankindThe Message
of Islam
  • Prophet Mohammad (May Allahs peace and Blessings
    be upon him)
  • Miracles of the Prophet
  • The main theme of the People of his time
  • Arabic literature
  • Final Revelation
  • Revealed to prophet Mohammad (PBUH) more than
    1400 years ago through the angle Gabriel
  • The level of Arabic literature in the Quran is
    beyond the capability of humans

1. Say "He is Allâh, (the) One 2.
"Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom
all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).
3. He begets not, nor was He begotten 4. And
there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him.
The Noble Quran (112 1-4)
Allahs Infinite Mercy to Mankind
So you will find no change in the way of Allah
(God) and no turning off will you find in the way
of Allah (God)
The Noble Quran (35 43)
(No Transcript)
  • The Message of Islam
  • - Universal message
  • Continuing Miracle of the
  • Noble Quran

Miracle to support the Revelation in this day and
age The superiority of the Noble Quran with
regards to knowledge
The Continuing Miracle of the Nobel Quran and
the Promise of Allah all Mighty
Allah (God) will show them Our Signs in the
universe, and in their ownselves, until it
becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'ân)
is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to
your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?
The Noble Quran (41 53)
The Miracle of The Noble Quran in This Day and
  • The Definition and Importance of The Miracles of
    Knowledge Found in The Noble Quran

The Definition of The Miracles of Knowledge Found
in The Noble Quran
The Noble Quran contains all branches of
knowledge in a comprehensive manner
The Noble Quran contains the best methodology to
derive all branches of knowledge
The Noble Quran contains the terminology needed
to describe all branches of knowledge
In The Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Compassionate The Most Merciful
A messenger from Allah (God) reciting purified
pages Which contain valuable books
The Noble Quran (98 2-3)
Purified Pages
The Noble Quran
Containing valuable books
The books that contain the knowledge of everything
The Importance of The Miracles of Knowledge Found
in The Noble Quran
The Importance of The Miracles of Knowledge Found
in The Noble Quran
Miracles of Knowledge of the Noble Quran
Islam The religion that addresses the mind (the
1. Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has
created (all that exists), 2. Has created man
from an Alaqa (an object that clings) 3. Read!
And your Lord is the Most Generous 4. Who has
taught by the pen 5. Has taught man that which he
knew not
The Noble Quran (96 1-5)
The first meaning of Alaq Something that clings
The second meaning of Alaq Something like a leech
The third meaning of Alaq Coagulated clot of
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate
The Most Merciful
And Allah (God) has grown you from the earth like
plants Then He will return you in it (i.e.
earth) and bring you forth (on the Day of
The Noble Quran (71 17-18)
It can be concluded from these Quranic verses
that there is a strong correlation between plants
and humans
Correlation between Plants and Humans
Human Embryo
Plant Embryo
Plant seed
Fahn, 1996
(No Transcript)
How to deduce New Knowledge from The Noble Quran?
  • In Biomedical Engineering

The Question
What is the stress environment within bone during
the healthy functioning of the skeleton?
The Human Musculo-Skeletal System
(Tortora and Grawboski, 1996)
Types of Loading on Structures
Flexural (bending) forces and resulting flexural
Tensile forces and resulting tensile stresses
Compressive forces and resulting compressive
Theoretical Model
  • Derived fully from the Noble Quran (Allah (God)
    Almighty last revelation to mankind)

In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty the Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
2. A Messenger (Muhammad (Peace be upon him))
from Allah (God) Almighty, reciting (the Quran)
purified pages. 3. Containing valuable books.
The Noble Quran (98 2-3)
The Noble Quran contains valuable books, which
The best science in all branches of knowledge
The optimal research methodology to derive
The best terminology to use to describe knowledge
In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty the Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
14. Allah (God) Almighty created man from a
sounding clay like that of pottery.
The Noble Quran (55 14)
Thus it can be concluded that bone should exhibit
from a mechanical point of view the behavior of a
ceramic material
It is stated that Allah (God) Almighty created
bones from a clay like material (i.e. a ceramic
Human Bone
Ceramic Material
Stress-Strain curve for a ceramic material
Stress-Strain curve for human bone
A ceramic material can be loaded in any one of
these loading cases
Flexural (bending) forces and resulting flexural
Tensile forces and resulting tensile stresses
Compressive forces and resulting compressive
In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty the Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
4. Allah (God) Almighty created man in an optimal
The Noble Quran (95 4)
The only loading regime where a ceramic material
has maximum stiffness and strength is when it is
loaded in a compressive stress environment
The optimal state for a ceramic material is the
one in which it has maximum strength and stiffness
Thus the conclusion from the Noble Quran is that
bone should be loaded in a predominantly
compressive state of stress during healthy
functioning of the skeleton
Creation of areas and volumes from previous
(No Transcript)
In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate
The Most Merciful
It is He Who sends down manifest Ayât (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) to His slave (Muhammad SAW) that He may
bring you out from darkness into light. And
verily, Allah (God) is to you full of kindness,
Most Merciful.
The Noble Quran (57 9)
The BibleJob 10
The Noble Quran
  •    ?????-????? ????????????.
  • 9 Remember, I beseech Thee, that Thou hast
    fashioned me as clay and wilt Thou bring me into
    dust again?
  • ?  ????? ???????, ????????????    ?????????????,
  • 10 Hast Thou not poured me out as milk, and
    curdled me like cheese?
  • ??  ???? ????????, ???????????????   
    ???????????? ?????????, ?????????????.
  • 11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and
    knit me together with bones and sinews.

Allah (God) created humans from clay like that of
The Noble Quran (55 14)
And Allah (God) has created humans from an
extract of clay Then Allah (God) made the
Nutfah into a secure place of lodging Then
Allah (God) created the Nutfah into Alqaa, then
Allah (God) created the Alaqaa into modgha, then
Allah (God) created the modgha into bones, then
Allah (God) covered the bones with flesh, then
Allah (God) brings it forth by another method of
creation so blessed be Allah (God) the best of
The Noble Quran (23 12-14)
List of Minerals found in Humans, Clay, and Plants
Minerals in the Human body ? Calcium (Ca)
commonest ion involved in phys. Processes ?
Phosphorus(P) ? Potassium (K) ? Sulphur (S) ?
Sodium (Na) ? Chlorine (Cl) ? Magnesium (Mg) ?
Iodine (I) ? Iron (Fe) ? Aluminium (Al) ?
Copper (Cu) ? Silicon (Si)
Minerals in Clay and Plants ? Calcium (Ca)
commonest interlayer ion ? Phosphorus(P) ?
Potassium (K) ? Sulphur (S) ? Sodium (Na) ?
Chlorine (Cl) ? Magnesium (Mg) ? Iodine (I) ?
Iron (Fe) ? Aluminium (Al) ? Copper (Cu) ?
Silicon (Si)
The BibleJob 10
The Noble Quran
  •    ?????-????? ????????????.
  • 9 Remember, I beseech Thee, that Thou hast
    fashioned me as clay and wilt Thou bring me into
    dust again?
  • ?  ????? ???????, ????????????    ?????????????,
  • 10 Hast Thou not poured me out as milk, and
    curdled me like cheese?
  • ??  ???? ????????, ???????????????   
    ???????????? ?????????, ?????????????.
  • 11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and
    knit me together with bones and sinews.

Allah (God) created humans from clay like that of
The Noble Quran (55 14)
And Allah (God) has created humans from an
extract of clay Then Allah (God) made the
Nutfah into a secure place of lodging Then
Allah (God) created the Nutfah into Alqaa, then
Allah (God) created the Alaqaa into modgha, then
Allah (God) created the modgha into bones, then
Allah (God) covered the bones with flesh, then
Allah (God) brings it forth by another method of
creation so blessed be Allah (God) the best of
The Noble Quran (23 12-14)
Greek Philosophy and Science
  • In Aristotles book (On the generations of
    animals) the same comparison between embryo
    genesis and making of cheese (cuddled like
  • The people who wrote the Bible were heavily
    influenced by Greek philosophy and Roman pagan

The Concept of Trinity
  • Found in the teachings of the Bible but not in
    the Quran
  • The Noble Quran

And say not trinity! Cease! It is better for you.
For Allah (God) is one and only, glory be to Him
above having a son
The Noble Quran (4 171)
Greek Philosophy and Science
  • Trinity is a concept found in Roman paganism,
    Greece was heavily entrenched into pagan
  • The people who wrote the Bible were heavily
    influenced by Greek philosophy and Roman pagan
  • Additions to the words of God (Allah) all Mighty
    in the bible by men.

In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate
The Most Merciful
Allah (God) sends down the Quran that is healing
and mercy to those who believe and it increases
the wrong-doers nothing but loss
The Noble Quran (17 82)
Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi E-mail Website www.quran-miracle.c
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