Title: Tips for Successful Microfiber Lens Cleaning
1Microfiber ClothLens Cleaning Tips
A training video from LenPre Lens and Screen
2Tip Use a Microfiber cloth, because they are the
best for lens and screen cleaning.
3Tip Microfiber cloths are the environmentally-fri
endly choice for cleaning, and are highly
4Tip Microfibers are a synthetic, ultra-fine
fiber. Their extreme fineness gives them their
unique properties.
5Tip Microfibers are made from a blend of
polyester, which scrubs and picks up dirt, and
6Tip Microfiber, is also spelt as microfibre in
7Tip Fabrics made with microfibers can be very
soft and can repel or soak-up water according to
the type of microfiber used.
8Tip Microfibers thin strands are usually about
1/6th of the width of a human hair, or less!
9Tip In the highest quality microfiber cloths,
these fibers are approximately 1/100 of a human
hair in diameter. This makes the fibers barely
visible to the naked eye.
10At LenPre we sell a microfiber cloth pack for all
lens and screen cleaning duties, and weare
giving each viewer 4.00 Off.
11Tip Often a lens will wipe clean just using a
microfiber cloth alone. Use a lens fluid like
our LenPre Lens Fluid only when necessary.
12Tip If a microfiber cloth alone isnt
successful. Dampen it, witha good quality
lenscleaning fluid.
13Visit http//LenPre.comFor more info on your
microfiberlens and screen cleaner cloths.
14Use Coupon CodeMICR2014athttp//www.amazon.co
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15Or, Use Coupon CodeMICR2014athttp//www.amazo
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16Watch this video on YouTube here http//www.youtu
be.com/watch?vSeqqJYlM1rk Buy with your money
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