Title: Representation of numbers.
1Representation of numbers
2Representation of numbers.
- Significant digits of a number
- The significant digits of a number are those
that can be used with confidence for
calculations. They correspond to the number of
certain digits plus one estimated digit. - The number of significant digits of a number is
equal to the no. Of digits present from first non
zero digit to last. (towards right). - Example-
- 0.1,0.05,0.0009?one significant digit numbers.
- 1.2,0.023,0.000045,0.10?two significant digit
numbers. - 0.004856,0.00004200,0.01005?four significant
digit numbers
3Scientific notations
- 4.53?104?Three significant digit number
- 4.530?103?Four significant digit number
- 4.5300?102?Five significant digit number.
4Floating point representation.
In decimal notation every real number is
represented by either finite or infinite sequence
of digits.
In floating point representation , the decimal
number x expressed as
Floating point representation
6Normalized floating point representation
- The floating point number is said to be
normalized, if d1?0 or d1d2d3..dn0. - Example-
- 0.0294100?Non normalized floating point number.
- 0.29410-1?Normalized floating point number.
Normalized floating point number
- Write the following numbers in normalized
floating point form. - 0.000527532, 12.003,-0.00436,23.2.
9Rules for Round-off a number to n significant
To round-off a given decimal number up to n
significant digits we need to follow the
following rules
1) Discard all the digits right to nth digit of
given number
2) Add 1 to nth digit if (n1)th digit is greater
than 5.
3) Un alter nth digit if (n1)th digit is less
than 5.
4) Add 1 to nth digit if (n1) th digit equal to
5 and nth digit is odd.
5) Un alter nth digit if (n1)th digit is equal
to5 and nth digit is even.
Round-off the following numbers up to five
significant figures (digits).
Round-off Number
- Write the numbers 23.49,-302.867, 0.000527532 in
floating point form rounded to 4 significant
12Thank You ALL
- Presented by
- Boina Anil Kumar
- Asst.Prof in Mathematics
- MITS, Rayagada.
- Odisha, India
- E-mail anil.anisrav_at_gmail.com
- Visit at http//www.mits.edu.in/academics.phpfac