Chronobiolgoy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chronobiology by Dr. Suman Prasad Adhikari – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chronobiolgoy

ChronobiologyOverview and its relevance in
  • Presenter Dr. Suman Pd. Adhikari

Chronobiological Terms
Term Definition
Biological clock Physiological mechanism that gives a time sense to every living organisms i.e., when to eat, sleep/awake etc.
Biological rhythm Cyclical, repeated variation in a biological function.
Circadian rhythm Cyclical variation in a metabolic , physiological or behavioral process with a period of about 24 hours when in constant conditions
Circannual rhythm Cyclical variation in a metabolic, physiological or behavioral process with a period of about an year.
Diurnal activity Activity performed mainly during the daytime
Endogenous Of rhythms or other forms of biological timekeeping controlled from within the organism by some kind of physiological biological clock
Entrainment Synchronization of one biological rhythm to another or to a zeitgeber cycle, e.g. circadian rhythm are often entrained to the light-dark cycle
Term Definition
Melatonin A hormone produced rhythmically in vertebrates by the pineal gland, a pea sized organ at the center of the human brain.
Nocturnal activity Activity performed mainly at night
Oscillator Internal and therefore unseen, or endogenous oscillator (the biological clock ) that produces an overt measurable biological rhythm in the organism.
Period The length of one complete cycle of a rhythm
Phase A particular reference point in the cycle of a rhythm, e.g. the daily onset of locomotor activity, or the light-to-dark transition in a zeitgeber cycle.
Phase shift Shift in a biological rhythm along its time axis so whilst the period remains the same the time at which the rhythm occurs changes
Zeitgeber time giver Periodic environmental signal that entrains some biological rhythm , for example a natural or artificial day-night cycle for a circadian rhythm
  • An environmental agent or event (as the
    occurrence of light or dark) that provides the
    stimulus for setting or resetting a biological
    clock of an organism
  • Any external or environmental cue that entrains,
    or synchronizes, an organism's biological rhythms
    to the earth's 24-hour light/dark cycle and 12
    month cycle.
  • The term "zeitgeber" (German for "time giver" or
    "synchronizer") was first used by Jurgen Aschoff
    , one of the founders of Chronobiology
  • Common zeitgeber
  • Temperature
  • Social interactions
  • Pharmacological manipulation
  • Exercise
  • Eating/drinking patterns

Introduction of Chronobiology
  • Study of biological time in relation with cyclic
    rotation of the earth in its axis which is
    completed within 24 hrs.
  • Biological rhythm varies from milliseconds in
    ocular field potential to years
  • Circadian rhythm is the most extensively studied
    and best understood biological rhythm.
  • Chronobiology comes from the ancient Greek
    (chrónos, meaning "time"), and biology, which
    means the study, or science, of life

History of Chronobiology
Date Literature/contributor Comment
4th Century BC Androsthenes (Ship captain of Alexandar the Great) Described diurnal leaf movements of the  Tamarind tree.
13th Century Noon and Midnight Manual (Chinese) Circadian or diurnal process in humans mentioned

1729 Jean-Jacques d Ortous de Mairan (French) Noted 24-hour patterns in the movement of the leaves of the plant Mimosa pudica
1751 Carlous Linneaus (Swedish Botanist and naturalist) Designed a flower clock using certain species of flowers. By arranging the selected species in a circular pattern, he designed a clock that indicated the time of day by the flowers that were open at each given hour
1896 Patrick and Gilbert Observed that during a prolonged period of sleep deprivation, sleepiness increases
Date Literature/contributor Comment
1918 J.S. Szymanski Showed that animals are capable of maintaining 24-hour activity patterns in the absence of external cues such as light and changes in temperature
1959 Franz Halberg (University of Minnesota-Father of American Chronobiology) Coined the term Circadian
20th Century Auguste Forel, Oskar Wahl Circadian rhythms were noticed in the rhythmic feeding times of bees
1967 Erwin Bunning Described physiological clock in plant
1970s Ron Konopka, Seymour Benzer Isolated the first clock mutant in  Drosophila  and mapped the period" gene, the first discovered genetic component of a circadian clock
1994 Joseph Takahasi Discovered the first mammalian 'clock gene' (CLOCK) using mice
biological rhythms
Circadian rhythms
  • Latin word circa means about and dies means
    days, which has the periodicity of one day.
  • Such rhythms persist in the absence of time cues
  • Self sustained biological rhythms characterized
    by a free-running period of about 24 hours
    (circa diem)
  • Circadian rhythm may be
  • Diurnal organisms active during daytime
  • Nocturnal organisms active in the night
  • Crepuscular animals primarily active during
    the dawn and dusk hours
  • (ex white-tailed deer, some bats)

Normal characteristics of circadian rhythm Character Comment Normal characteristics of circadian rhythm Character Comment
Endogenous free running period The period of the rhythm in constant conditions is called the free-running period and is denoted by the Greek letter t (tau). The rhythm persist in constant conditions, (i.e., constant darkness)
Entrainable The rhythm can be reset by exposure to external stimuli (such as light and heat), a process called entrainment The external stimulus used to entrain a rhythm is called the Zeitgeber, or "Time giver".
Exhibit temperature compensation They maintain circadian periodicity over a range of physiological temperatures
Human circadian rhythms
  • Sleep-wake cycle
  • Body temperature
  • Behaviour
  • Food and water intake
  • Hormones
  • Metabolism
  • Body fluids
  • Expression of genes

Pulsatile exocrine and endocrine secretions
dependent on human circadian rhythm
functional components of circadian axis
  • Master pacemaker situated in SCN
  • Afferent-- Photoreceptive input situated in the
  • Efferent-- Rhythmic outputs which provide insight
    into the clockwork of the circadian pacemaker.

Scn-master pacemaker
  • A group of neurons present in anterior
    hypothalamus located dorsal to the optic chiasma
  • Master oscillator-- generates the mean circadian
    rhythm and orchestrates a multitudes of slave
    oscillators found in peripheral tissues like
    kidney, liver, lungs other sites of the brain.
  • The neurons of the SCN are among the smallest
    neurons in the entire brain.
  • They possess short dendrites that are not
    extensively branched.

SCN light/dark cycles
  • The SCN is active during the day in both diurnal
    and nocturnal animals.
  • The SCN tells the animal whether its day or
    night, but not how to behave.
  • Transplants of SCN establish donor rhythms in
    recipient animals.

Zeitgeber (time givers) entrain clock
Master clock SCN
Pineal Gland
Regulates Hormones , Sleep/wake - Temp
Exercise Food Social factors
Afferent efferent and projections
Afferent Efferent
Main tract Retinohypothalamic Within the hypothalamus and to pineal gland
Primary neurotransmitter Glutamate GABA
Modulator Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide(PACAP) Efferent of SCN regulate autonomic division of PVN--Sympathetic outflow to pineal gland-stimulate melatonin synthesis Efferent parvicellular neuron of PVN has the role in secretion of CRH which regulates the release of cortisol
Other tract origin Ipsilateral intergeniculate leaflet(IGL)-sub nucleus of LGN Midbrain raphe Efferent of SCN regulate autonomic division of PVN--Sympathetic outflow to pineal gland-stimulate melatonin synthesis Efferent parvicellular neuron of PVN has the role in secretion of CRH which regulates the release of cortisol
NT and receptor Neuropeptide Y, 5-HT1B Efferent of SCN regulate autonomic division of PVN--Sympathetic outflow to pineal gland-stimulate melatonin synthesis Efferent parvicellular neuron of PVN has the role in secretion of CRH which regulates the release of cortisol

How the biological clocks work
  • Oscillations of protein production and
    degradation serves as the ticking of the
    internal clock (takes about 24 hours).
  • Light may participate in the triggering of some
    of these protein fluctuations.

Hormone release
Sensory receptors
Environmental cues
Clock-setting pathway
Clock mechanism
Observed behaviour
The Biochemistry of Circadian Rhythms
  • Cortisol
  • Release is highest in the morning and drops
    during the day.
  • Glutamate
  • Released by the retinohypothalamic tract during
  • Melatonin
  • Released only at night (by the retina and the
    pineal gland).

  • Melatonin
  • Indoleamine, a circadian regulated hormone the
    synthesis of which is regulated through the
    multisynaptic pathway from SCN to pineal gland.
  • Serum level of melatonin is elevated at night and
    returns to baseline during the day.
  • Light shifts the phase of melatonin synthesis and
    suppresses the elevated melatonin level.

Molecular clockwork
  • Involves interaction and coordination between the
    positive and negative transcriptional and
    translational feedback loops.
  • The products of per and cry genes translocate
    back into the nucleus and repress their own
  • Orphan nuclear receptor gene Rev-Erb alpha also
    regulates the CLOCK-BAML1 then per and cry
  • Enzymes kinase and phosphatase also act upon the
    gene products and has role in molecular clock

In all cells, the expression of many genes
changes rhythmically over 24 hours. Specific
circadian genes such as CLOCK, BMAL1, and PER are
responsible for the main SCN clock working
machinery as well as subsidiary clocks in other
parts of the body.
Resetting the circadian clocksensory parameters
  • The mean circadian period generated by the human
    SCN is of about 24.18 hours.
  • In human light is the most effective agent for
    entraining the circadian system
  • Bilateral removal of eyes incapable to reset
    circadian clock, indicating that the
    photosensitive apparatus necessary for resetting
    must be ocular
  • To maintain the proper phase relationship of
    behavioral and physiological process circadian
    clock should be resetted in a regular basis
    within a context of 24 hours a day.

  • Photosensitive apparatus required for resetting
    the circadian clock is different from the
    photoreceptors rods or cones.
  • The light intensity required to activate such
    apparatus having high threshold is of low i.e. 3
    log unit for longer duration than of visual
  • Eyes may retain the function in clock resetting
    despite being useless for vision.

Extraocular photoreception
  • Photic stimulation of extraocular tissue is
    sufficient to shift the human circadian clock
  • Blue light illumination of highly vascularized
    tissue like popliteal region behind the
    knee---shown to phase shift the nightly increase
    of melatonin
  • Currently this is not widely accepted and further
    research is needed

Novel class of retinal photoreceptors
  • Studies in blind human and retinally degenerate
    animals photoreceptors other than rods and cones
    are likely to be involved in circadian system
  • Rodent retinal ganglion cells found to be
    intrinsically photosensitive
  • These cells contain Melanopsin photo pigment
    initially discovered in melanophores of tadpoles
    later identified in human retina
  • Melanopsin is also localized in plasma membrane
    of cell body, axon and dendrites
  • Plays important role in phase shifting of
    circadian locomotor activity

Relevance in psychiatry
  • Sleep regulation
  • Seasonal affective disorders
  • Non seasonal depression
  • Schizophrenia

(No Transcript)
Sleep regulation
  • Regulated by two mechanisms
  • Sleep homeostat
  • Related to the accumulation and dissipation of
    sleep debt.
  • Adenosine is supposed to be a neuromodulator of
    the sleep homeostat.
  • Circadian cycle/clock
  • Controls a daily rhythm in sleep propensity or
    conversely, arousal.
  • Arousal steadily increases throughout the day,
    reaching a maximum immediately before the
    circadian increase in plasma melatonin.

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders1
  • Advanced sleep phase syndrome
  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome
  • Free-running type
  • Irregular Sleep-Wake Disorder (ISWD)
  • Jet lag
  • Shift work type

1 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders Part I, Basic
Principles, Shift Work and Jet Lag Disorders An
American Academy of Sleep Medicine Review
Robert L Sack, MD Dennis Auckley, MD R. Robert
Auger, MD Mary A. Carskadon, PhD Kenneth P.
Wright Jr, PhD Michael V. Vitiello, PhD Irina
V. Zhdanova, MD
  • Advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS)
  • Characterized by bedtime and wake-up time much
    earlier than normal, although sleep quality is
  • People with ASPS may fall sleep at 6 or 8 p.m.
    and awaken about eight hours later. 
  • An autosomal dominant familial form (FASPS) 4
    hour advance of daily sleep wake
  • ASPS is related to the single nucleotide
    polymorphism in period gene
  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS)
  • A circadian sleep disorder in which the
    individual's internal body clock is delayed with
    respect to the external day/night cycle
  • Falls asleep late at night, typically between
    100 am and 600 am, and awakens in the late
    morning or in the afternoon.

  • Irregular Sleep-Wake Disorder (ISWD)
  • Characterized by at least three sleep episodes
    per 24-hour period, irregularly from day to day.
  • Most commonly occurs in elderly persons with
  • Also occurs in some children with developmental
    disorders, including autism spectrum disorders.
  • Can be a consequence of brain tumors or traumatic
    brain injury
  • Free running/ Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder
  • Rhythms, which reflect the intrinsic oscillation
    of the circadian pacemaker when it is not
    influenced by environmental time cues.
  • Circadian sleep disorder in which an individual
    falls asleep later each day.
  • Generally the delay is about an hour or two,
    corresponding to a circadian cycle of 25 - 26
    hours but some individuals with Non-24 exhibit a
    much longer delay, especially those who have
    lived with Non-24 for many years.

  • Jet lag
  • When a person travels through the different time
    zones there would be the phase difference.
  • In jet lag the clock is slow to reset, so that
    after time zones have been crossed, the
    endogenous signals for sleep and wakefulness do
    not match the local lightdark and social
  • Travelling from east to west will have phase
    advance while reverse would be in opposite
  • Symptoms include reduced alertness, day time
    fatigue, loss of appetite, reduced cognitive
    skills and disruption of sleep/wakefulness
  • Shift work schedule
  • When a person works against the natural day-night
    schedule he/she would suffer from disruption of
    circadian rhythm.

1 The New England Journal of Medicine Jet Lag
Robert L. Sack, M.D. N Engl J Med 3625 February
4, 2010
Seasonal affective disorders
  • Seasonal affective disorder(SAD) is a form of a
    recurrent major depressive episodes followed by
    periods of remissions that occurs in seasonal
  • In DSM-IV, it is not categorized as a distinct
    mood disorder but as the seasonal pattern
  • Full remissions(or a change from depression to
    mania or hypomania) also occur at a
    characteristic time of the year.
  • Two major depressive episodes meeting criteria A
    and B have occurred in the last 2 yrs and no non
    seasonal episodes have occurred in the same
  • Seasonal major depressive episodes substantially
    outnumber the non seasonal episodes over the
    individuals lifetime.

SAD Mechanisms
  • Phase Shift Hypothesis 1
  • Phase delay in body
  • Melatonin Dysregulation 2
  • Secretion is longer than normal in winter
  • Serotonin Deficiency
  • L-tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin
  • Genetic Abnormalities
  • Based on epidemiology studies serotonin
    transporter or clock gene defects
  1. Samir Malhotra, Girish Sawhney, Promila Pandhi
    (2004) The Therapeutic Potential of Melatonin A
    Review of the Science. MedGenMed. 6 (2) 46
  2. Alfred J. Lewy, Bryan J. Lefler, Jonathan S.
    Emens, and Vance K. Bauer.(2006) The circadian
    basis of winter depression. PNAS 103 7414-7419

Winter SAD
  • Called as winter depression or winter blues.
  • Onset in the late fall and early winter and
    remits in the late winter and early summer.
  • Symptoms may be atypical to major depression
  • Significant increase in weight
  • Increase rather than decrease in sleep
  • Hyperphagia
  • Heightened sensitivity to interpersonal rejection
  • Leaden feeling in the extremities.

  • Incidence
  • 4-9 of total population
  • 20 of population may have sub syndromal
  • M F14
  • Runs in families showing genetic or environmental
  • Serum level of melatonin is considered as
    causative condition.
  • Treatment
  • Light therapy
  • High irradiance(5,000 -10,000 lux) for about 45
    90 minutes.
  • Early morning or evening pattern of exposure.
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • MAO inhibitors.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Comorbidity
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Non seasonal depression
  • Depression causes the phase delay while mania
    causes phase advance in sleep cycle.
  • Sleep disturbances can contribute to the
    pathogenesis of disease.
  • Total sleep deprivation provides a transient
    antidepressant effect in a majority (60)of
    depressed patient.
  • No difference is observed in the efficacy of such
    treatment with or without medicine.
  • Relapse occurs after the following night sleep
    even day time short napping among which early
    morning is critical.

  • With regard to MDD, almost all patients present
    with sleep disturbances and altered circadian
    rhythms including hormonal secretion, cardiac
    function, and body temperature.
  • Sleep disruption is a major symptom in
    depression, with over 90 of patients showing
    sleep complaints that affect daytime functioning
  • There may be delayed sleep onset, terminal
    insomnia, decreased N3-N4 sleep, increased phasic
    REM density, decreased REM latency, fragmented
    sleep and day time napping
  • Insomnia often appears before the onset of mood
    disorder symptoms and may persist into clinical
  • Sleep difficulties are often are the key factor
    that causes depressed patients to seek medical

  • Sleep-onset and maintenance insomnia is a common
    symptom regardless of either their medication
    status (previously treated) or the phase of the
    clinical course (acute or chronic).
  • Regarding sleep architecture, NREM-N3 sleep and
    REM sleep onset latency are reduced whereas REM
    sleep duration tends to remain unchanged.
  • Many of these sleep disturbances are caused by
    abnormalities of the circadian system as
    indicated by misalignments of the endogenous
    circadian cycle and the sleep wake cycle.
  • Circadian disruption, sleep onset insomnia and
    difficulties in maintaining sleep could be partly
    related to a presumed hyperactivity of the
    dopaminergic system and dysfunction of the
    GABAergic system

Sleep and circadian rhythm dysregulation in
schizophrenia Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier 2013
Relevance in medical conditions
  • Obesity and metabolic dysfunction
  • Cancer
  • Effect of aging

The circadian pattern of various diseases
Obesity and metabolic dysfunction
  • Experimental studies showed the relation between
    blood lipid, glucose, and insulin level with the
    circadian rhythm.
  • Shift workers have more incidence of having
    metabolic syndrome characterized by
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hypoinsulinemia
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Visceral obesity and the complications following
    such conditions.

  • Experimental studies showed the increased
    incidence of carcinomas in jet-laged-radiation
    exposed animals.
  • Shift working females and airhostess crossing the
    meridians were found to be increased risk of
    breast cancer.
  • Supposed to be inhibition of melatonin which
    augments estrogen effect.

  • Experimental studies showed that phase shifting
    has effect in survival of aged mice in which
    phase delay increased the survival but phase
    advance decreased the survival.
  • During aging circadian period shortens with phase
    advance resulting in earlier bedtime and waking.

Pharmacological agents affecting circadian rhythm
Drug Effect on rhythm
TCA Decreases elevated nocturnal body temperature in depressive patients
SSRI Decreases elevated nocturnal body temperature in depressive patients, augment diurnal activities.
Lithium Inhibit glycogen synthase kinase 3b which stabilizes the negative clockwork stabilizer REV-ERBa---lengthens circadian period
Benzodiazepines Brotizolam Act via GABA receptors in SCN induces circadian phase advances Reduced expression of clock genes
MDMA Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Phase shift in circadian locomotor activity
Terminologies related to chronotherapeutics
Terminology Comment
Chronopathology It is the study of biological rhythms in disease processes and morbid and mortal events.
Chronopharmacology It is the study of manner and extent to which the kinetics and dynamics of medications are directly affected by endogenous biological rhythms, and also how the dosing time affect biological rhythms
Chronopharmacokinetics This term includes both rhythmic changes in the drug bioavailability, and its excretion
Chronopharmacodynamics Refers to dosing time, i.e., rhythm-dependent, differences in the effects of medications.
Chronotoxicology Refers specifically to dosing-time, i.e., rhythm-dependent, differences in the manifestation and severity of adverse effects and thus intolerance of patients to medications
Therapy Mechanism Comment
Chronotherapeutics is medical treatment administered according to a schedule that corresponds to a persons daily, monthly, seasonal or yearly biological clock to maximize health benefits and minimize adverse effects Chronotherapeutics is medical treatment administered according to a schedule that corresponds to a persons daily, monthly, seasonal or yearly biological clock to maximize health benefits and minimize adverse effects Chronotherapeutics is medical treatment administered according to a schedule that corresponds to a persons daily, monthly, seasonal or yearly biological clock to maximize health benefits and minimize adverse effects
Light therapy Light therapy emerged as the first successful treatment in psychiatry based on neurobiological principles and is now established as the treatment of choice for SAD
Wake therapy Total sleep deprivation Improvement in depressed patients occur with total sleep deprivation
Dark therapy Focuses on darkness, particularly in bipolar patients Keeping acutely manic patients in dark rooms during the night has been shown to improve symptoms and immediately stop rapid cycling.
Melatonin Agomelatine Ramelteon Tasimelteon If rhythms are out of sync, as in depression, melatonin is secreted at the wrong time and the sleep disturbance is accentuated.
Modafinil Used for excessive sleepiness associated with shift work sleep disorder
Future advances
  • Identification of coupling factors responsible
    for communicating phase information among
    biological oscillators would resolve the issues
    of circadian desynchrony.
  • This would give insight for pharmacological as
    well as behavioral means to resolve the problems
    due to circadian desynchrony.
  • Impact of circadian system on the effectiveness
    of pharmacological treatments would develop the
    field of chronotherapy.

  • Biological rhythms are the events and activities
    which happen in a cyclical way in the influence
    of rotation of the earth in its axis.
  • Most well studied biological rhythm is the
    circadian rhythm having day night cycle.
  • SCN is the master pacemaker which orchestrates
    other oscilators of the body.
  • Melatonin is the hormone secreted by pineal gland
    having role in circadian rhythm.

  • Zeitgeber is the external cue which regulates and
    resets the circadian rhythm and the luminance is
    a Zeitgeber.
  • There are genetic events which act as work clock.
  • There is definite role of circadian rhythm in
    causation, course and outcome of various
    psychiatric and medical conditions.
  • Aging is a process which affects circadian rhythm
    of an individual.
  • There is significant interaction between
    pharmacological agents and circadian rhythm.
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