Title: Neurogenesis
1Neural development neurogenesis
2Early development
- Zygote to 8 cells
- Morula (16-64 cell stage)
- Blastula / Blastocyst
- Gastrula
3Early Differentiation
- During early development-3 weeks after
conception, the human embryo has divided into
three germ layers - Ectoderm
- Mesoderm
- Endoderm
- Inducing factors differentiate the ectoderm layer
into skin and nervous tissue
4Overview of nervous system development
- Nervous system starts forming immediately after
the primitive gut invaginates the embryonic ball
of cells known as blastula - Several principles guide the neural development
- 1st Different brain regions and neuron
populations are generated at distinct times of
development and exhibit specific temporal
schedules - 2nd Sequence of cellular process comprising
ontogeny predicts that abnormalities in early
events leads to differences in subsequent stages - 3rd Specific molecular signals , extracellular
growth factors and cognate receptors or
transcription factors play roles at multiple
stages of development - ILGF
- Neurogenesis is the process by which neurons are
generated from neural stem and progenitor cells. - Neurogenesis is responsible for populating the
growing brain with neurons. - Recently neurogenesis was shown to continue in
several small parts of the brain of mammals
the hippocampus and the sub ventricular zone
Stem cells
Neural Progenitors
6Neurogenesis contd.
- The neural plate forms after gastrulation is
completed. - During the third week of gestation the notochord
sends signals to the overlying ectoderm, inducing
it to become neuroectoderm. - This results in formation of neural plate
- Prior to induction cells are undifferentiated
(able to be transplanted to a new site)---stem
cells - After induction, cells are destined to become a
7Organizing centers for neurogenesis
- Spemanns organizer (dorsoblastopore lip)
- Hensens node (similar to Spemanns org)
- Roofplate and notochord become organizers
- Secondary organizers
- Isthmic organizer (IsO)
- Anterior neural ridge (ANR)
- Cortical hem
8Neural plate appears
Primitive streak appear
Edges of Neural plate elevate
Edges of Neural plate fuse
Neural tube formed
9Neural plate
Neural groove
Neural tube
10- Neural crest cells derive from the edges of the
neural plate and dorsal neural tube - Cells migrate dorso-laterally to form melanocytes
and ventro-medially to form dorsal root sensory
ganglia and sympathetic chains of the peripheral
nervous system and ganglia of the enteric nervous
system - Also gives rise to diverse tissues including
cells of neuroendocrine, cardiac, mesenchymal,
and skeletal systems, forming the basis of many
congenital syndromes involving brain and other
11- Another non neuronal structure of mesodermal
origin formed during neurulation is the notochord
found on the ventral side of the neural tube - Notochord plays a critical role during neural
tube differentiation - It is a signaling source of soluble growth
factors, such as sonic hedgehog (Shh), which
impact gene patterning and cell determination
12Neural Proliferation
- After the neural tube is formed, the developing
nervous system cells rapidly increase in number - Cell division occurs in the ventricular zone of
the neural tube when they leave the cell
division cycle, cells migrate into other layers
Ventricular Zone
13Neural tube
Pial surface of neural tube
Marginal zone
Ventricular Zone
Cell division occur here
14Regional Differentiation
- After closure, neural tube expands differentially
to form major morphological subdivisions - Proliferation depends on soluble growth factors
made by proliferating cells themselves or
released from regional signaling centers - The neural tube can be described in 3 dimensions
- Longitudinal
- Circumferential
- Radial
15- Longitudinal dimension reflects the rostrocaudal
(anteriorposterior) organization --consists of
brain and spinal cord. - Circumferential dimension, tangential to the
surface, represents two major axes dorso-ventral
axis (cell groups are uniquely positioned from
top to bottom) medial to lateral axis - Finally, radial dimension represents organization
from innermost cell layer adjacent to the
ventricles to outermost surface
164 weeks
5 weeks
Five-vesicle state
Three-vesicle state
17- In spinal cord, the majority of tissue comprises
lateral plates, which later divide into dorsal or
alar plates-composed of sensory interneurons and
motor or basal plates-consisting of ventral motor
neurons. - Floor plate, in response to Shh from the
ventrally located notochord, produces its own
Shh, which in turn induces neighboring cells in
to express region-specific transcription factors
that specify cell phenotype and function.
18- Shh activity in the ventral neural tube (blue
dots) is distributed in a ventral-high,
dorsal-low profile within the ventral neural
T.M. Jessell, 2000
Shh activity
193 vesicle stage
5 vesicle stage
Neural tube
20The Ventricular and Sub ventricular Proliferative
- Precursor proliferation occurs primarily in two
densely packed regions during development. - Primary site is the VZ lining the walls of the
entire ventricular system - For cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellar
cortex, precursors from the VZ migrate out to
secondary zones - In the early embryo, neural tube VZ progenitors
are arranged as a one-cell layer thick,
pseudostratified neuroepithelium
21- The bipolar VZ precursors have cytoplasmic
processes that span from the ventricular to the
pial surface - During the cell cycle, the VZ appears
multilayered, or stratified, because cell nuclei
undergo movements, called interkinetic nuclear
migration - New cells are produced through the cell cycle,
which comprises four stages - Mitosis (M) when nuclei and cells divide
- G1 when cells grow in size before dividing again
- S phase when cells synthesize deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) and replicate chromosomes - G2 period followed by M phase.
22- Precursor cell division (M phase) occurs at the
ventricular margin, producing two new cells - The progeny then reenter G1 as they move outwards
towards the pia. - Under influence of extracellular signals these
cells enter into S phase, which occurs near the
upper VZ margin. - After DNA replication nuclei move back down
during G2 to the ventricular surface where they
undergo mitosis and divide.
IZ, intermediate zone VZ, ventricular zone V,
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24Radial and Tangential Patterns of Neurogenesis
and Migration
- There are 3 well-recognized spatio-temporal
patterns of neurogenesis that underlie regional
brain formation. - There are 2 radial patterns of cell migration
from the VZ, referred to as inside-to-outside and
outside-to-inside. - The third involves non radial or tangential
migration of cells, some of which originate in
secondary proliferative zones.
25Radial and Tangential Patterns of Neurogenesis
and Migration contd
Schematic drawing of radial and tangential
migration during cerebral cortex development
MGE medial ganglionic eminence LGE lateral
ganglionic eminence PP preplate SP sub
plate CP cortical plate IZ intermediate
zone VZ ventricular zone
26Cortical development/ corticogenesis
- In early stages VZ cells divide giving rise to
both a postmitotic neuron and another dividing
precursor. - At the end of neurogenesis, precursor division
gives rise to two postmitotic neurons only - The newly born neurons do not remain in the VZ
but instead migrate out to their final
destinations, such as the cerebral cortical
plate, traveling along the processes of radial
glial cells
27VZ ventricular zone IZ intermediate zone PP
preplate SVG sub ventricular zone SP
subplate CP cortical plate MZ marginal zone
28Developmental cell death
- Cell elimination is required to coordinate the
proportions of interacting neural cells. - Three types of developmental cell death have been
described - Phylogenetic cell death removes structures in
one species that served evolutionarily earlier
ones, such as the tail or the vomeronasal nerves - Morphogenetic cell death required to form the
optic vesicles, as well as the caudal neural tube - Histogenetic cell death process that allows the
removal of selected cells during development of
specific brain regions.
29- On the basis of morphological criteria, three
types of programmed cell death have been
described. - Apoptotic cell death Most common and is
characterized by chromatin condensation and
membrane blebbing, followed by nuclear
fragmentation and cell shrinkage. - Autophagic degeneration Involves contiguous
groups of degenerating cells and features
autophagic vacuoles and pyknotic nuclei. - Non lysosomal disintegration and
cytoplasmic-type cell death, forms that exhibit
similarities to necrosis
30Concept of Neural Patterning
- In 3-dimensional system of the embryo, initial
establishment of A/P polarity is signaled by the
organizer - During gastrulation, organizer tissues come to
underlie neural plate and differentiate into the
notochord - The chordal mesoderm, which underlies the future
midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, apparently
sends out distance signals from prechordal
mesoderm - Neural inducers like chordin, noggin, and
follistatin induce primitive neural tissue - Possible candidate posteriorizers
(transforming signals) include bFGF - and retinoic acid.
31Head organizer
Tail organizer
- BMP Inhibitors
- Cordin and Noggin
- Wnt inhibitors
- Cerberus, Dickkopf and frzb1
- RA
- BMP inhibitors
Anteriorize" neural tube
Posteriorize" neural tube
32Patterning of the brain and spinal cord through
Melton, Iulianella, Trainor, 2004
Hox genes play important roles in establishing
regional cell identity. This is achieved via
opposing gradients of RA and FGF signaling.
33Specific Inductive Signals and Patterning Genes
in Development
- Induction of CNS begins at the neural plate stage
when notochord, underlying mesenchyme, and
surrounding epidermal ectoderm produce signaling
molecules that affect the identity of neighboring
cells - Ectoderm produces BMPs that promote and maintain
epidermal differentiation - BMP's epidermis-inducing activity is blocked by
inhibitory proteins, such as noggin, follistatin,
and chordin, that are secreted by Hensen's node ,
signaling center at the rostral end of the
primitive streak
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35- Pax6 gene expression
- Emx2 expression
- The signalling factor fibroblast growth factor 8
(FGF8 - regulates Pax6 and Emx2 expression.
- Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)
- Wingless-Int proteins (Wnts)
36New mechanism for regulating gene expression
- miRNAs contribute to normal development and brain
function - miRNAs can affect the regulation of RNA
transcription, alternative splicing, molecular
modifications, or RNA translation. - miRNAs are 21 to 23 nucleotide long single-strand
RNA molecules. - Unlike mRNAs, miRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are
not translated but are instead processed to form
loop structures. - miRNAs exhibit a sequence that is partially
complementary to one or several other cellular
37Processing and function of miRNA. After
transcription, the primary miRNA forms a hairpin
conformation. This structure allows the enzyme
Drosha to cleave the transcript, producing a
pre-miRNA that then exits the nucleus through
nuclear pores.
38Regulation by extracellular factors
- Although defined initially in cell culture, a
number of mitogenic growth factors are now
well-characterized in vivo, including those
stimulating proliferation, such as - basic FGF (bFGF)
- Shh
- and signals inhibiting cell division, such as
- pituitary adenylate-cyclase-activating
polypeptide (PACAP) - GABA
- Glutamate
- members of the TGF-ß superfamily
39Cell Migration and Aggregation
- Cells migrate away from the VZ along a temporary
network of radial glial cells - The cells of the neocortex migrate in an
inside-out pattern the deepest layers form first
so that the cells of the superficial layers must
migrate through them (like lava out of a volcano) - Migration of the cells of the neural crest-- form
the PNS, and thus may have a long way to migrate - Neural crest cells transplanted to a new part of
the neural crest migrate to the destination that
is appropriate for cells in the new location
40(No Transcript)
41- The radial patterns of neurogenesis reflect
whether a structure is phylogenetically older
(Eg dentate gyrus) or more recently evolved,
Eg cortex. - Early generated cells are positioned on the
outside, with later born cells residing inside,
closer to the VZ. - It suggests that as more cells are generated,
they passively move earlier born cells farther
away. - Of interest to psychiatry, the cerebral cortex is
the paradigmatic model of inside-to-outside
42- Derived from the embryonic forebrain
telencephalic vesicles, the characteristic
six-cell layers represent a common
cytoarchitectural and physiological basis for
neocortical function. - Within each layer, neurons exhibit related
axodendritic morphologies, use common
neurotransmitters, and establish similar afferent
and efferent connections. - In general, pyramidal neurons in layer 3
establish synapses within and between cortical
hemispheres whereas deeper layer 5/6 neurons
project primarily to subcortical nuclei,
including thalamus, brainstem, and spinal cord. - The majority of cortical neurons originate from
the forebrain VZ.
43- At the earliest stages, the first postmitotic
cells migrate outward from the VZ to establish a
superficial layer termed the preplate. - 2 cell types comprise the preplate, Cajal-Retzius
cells, which form outermost layer 1 or marginal
zone, and subplate neurons, which lay beneath
future layer 6. - These distinct regions form when later born
cortical plate neurons migrate within and divide
the preplate in two
44Differentiation and neuronal process outgrowth
- After newly produced neurons and glial cells
reach their final destinations, they
differentiate into mature cells. - For neurons, this involves outgrowth of dendrites
and extension of axonal processes, formation of
synapses, and production of neurotransmitter
systems, including receptors and selective
reuptake sites. - Most axons will become insulated by myelin
sheaths produced by oligodendroglial cells. - Occur with a peak period from 5 months of
gestation onward. - During first several years of life, many
neuronal systems exhibit exuberant process growth
and branching, which is later decreased by
selective pruning of axons and synapses
dependent on experience, while myelination
continues for several years after birth and into
- Once aggregation is complete, axons and dendrites
grow out from the neurons - Axon growth is directed by a growth cone at the
growing axon tip - Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain
how growth cones make their way to correct
destination - Chemoaffinity hypothesis
- Blueprint hypothesis
- Topographic-gradient hypothesis
46Growth Cone
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48Neurodevelopmental basis of psychiatric diseases
Disease Basis Comment
Schizophrenia Smaller prefrontal cortex and hippocampus and enlarged ventricles Differences in the levels of transcription factors, such as NeuroD, Math1, or Lhx, Wnt3a Lef1, or bFGF
Autism spectrum disorders (Autistic disorder, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder) Diminished gray matter, disorganized laminar patterns, misoriented pyramidal neurons, ectopic neurons Dysregulation of many processes, including neuron proliferation, migration, survival, organization, and programmed cell death
49Neurodevelopmental basis of psychiatric diseases
Condition diseases Comment
Abnormal level of reelin protein mRNA BPAD Schizophrenia Autism Reelin is glycoprotein- important signal for neuronal migration produced by Cajal-Retzius cells
Reelin mutation Lissencephaly/ Smooth brain Cerebellar hypoplasia Abnormal hippocampal formation Gyral patterning malformation with loss of gyri and sulci
50- Normally there is balance between neurogenesis,
death of unwanted cells (tumoral cells), and
adaptive synaptogenesis. - Dysregulation of these mechanisms can lead to
- Neurodegeneration
- Brain tumors
- Brain dysfunctions
Cell death
- Impaired neurogenesis
- Synaptic dysfunction
- Massive cell death
- Alzheimers, Parkinson's
Brain dysfunctions
- Nerve cell dysfunction
- Cell degeneration
- Depression, Schizophrenia
Brain tumors
- Abnormal proliferation
- Insufficient cell elimination
- Neuroblastoma, Glioma
Cell death
- Condition in which prosencephalon fail to develop
into cerebral hemispheres - Mutations in Shh ---arhinencephaly
- Defect in development of face
- Closely spaced eyes, small head size, and
sometimes clefts of the lip and roof of the
mouth, as well as other birth defects - In most cases of holoprosencephaly, the
malformations are so severe that babies die
before birth
53Neural tube defects
- Abnormalities of neural tube closure may lead to
spina bifida and anencephaly. - Genetic disorders affecting development include
trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, fragile X and
phenylketonuria. - Environmental toxins, including alcohol can
interfere with the normal course of development.
- Neurulation defects are well-known following
exposure to retinoic acid in dermatological
preparations and anticonvulsants, especially
Valproic acid, as well as diets deficient in
folic acid
54Spina bifida
Incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tube
results in an incompletely formed spinal cord
- Kaplan and Sadocks Comprehensive Textbook of
Psychiatry, 9th edition - Lange Embryology
- Inderbir Singh Embryology
- Color Atlas of Neuroscience Greenstein, 2000
- Google scholar
- Google images
- Wikipedia, Scholarpedia