Title: Al Bush of Charlotte NC
1Al Bush of Charlotte NC Educated
Al Bush of Charlotte NC draws from extensive
expertise that culminates an extraordinary
education. Al Bush of Charlotte NC earned his
Bachelors Degree in Government from Wesleyan
University, and earned his Master of Business
Administration Degree from Columbia University.
2Al Bush of Charlotte NC MBA Holder
Al Bush of Charlotte NC culminated his highly
successful educational career upon his receiving
of a Master of Business Administration (MBA)
degree from Columbia University. Since earning
his MBA from the prestigious Columbia University
in New York City, New York, Al Bush of Charlotte
NC has gone on to lead an illustrious career as a
professional in the financial industry that spans
3 decades.
3Al Bush of Charlotte NC Successful Capital
Al Bush of Charlotte NC is a leading professional
in the Financial industry with extensive
expertise and experience in capital funding. For
many years, Al Bush of Charlotte NC has utilized
his skills and expertise in the Industry to
provide some of the most highly praised financial
companies with excellent results.
4Al Bush of Charlotte NC Innovator
Al Bush of Charlotte NC, a leading Financial
industry professional, has a remarkable
track-record as an innovator. Al Bush of
Charlotte NC created a coverage group for
Wachovia Securities Depository Institutions
coverage group that resulted in more than 10
million of additional revenue being made in a 2
year period. Additionally, Al Bush of Charlotte
NC developed De Novo a hybrid community banking
business and capital plan.
5Thank You