Title: Justin Crane
1Welcome To Justin Crane
2Justin Crane is a disabled Army Veteran, having
served with Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 5th
Special Forces Group in the early to mid 90s.
Since 1995, he has worked in the Insurance
Restoration Industries, providing disaster
recovery services across the nation. He is
currently a Board Certified Indoor Air Quality
Consultant, Certified Mold Remediator, Level 3
Certified Xactimate Estimator, Certified All
Lines Insurance Adjuster and Certified Lead Paint
3As owner of Environmental Consulting
Organization, he has provided expert witness
testimony to attorneys on property claims
involving Insurance Companies and independent
Estimating and Project Management services to
various General Contractors over the past few
4Justin has recently acquired R2GC, a full service
Insurance Restoration and General Contracting
firm located in West Palm Beach, Florida. This
company specializes in services required for
damages due to fire, water and mold. Justin has
also worked in the film industry periodically
over the past 11 years. He has written several
screenplays, acted and worked in production on
various feature films.
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