Title: S.Vaikundarajan Congratulates Narendra Modi
1S.Vaikundarajan Congratulates Narendra Modi
2- Living with an asymmetrical federal government,
India has witnessed some of the greatest leaders.
But the list doesn't stops here, we have another
promising leader under whose leadership India
will experience a change and move towards a
better tomorrow. - With a Patriotic feeling, S.Vaikundarajan wishes
Narendra Modi goog Luck..!!
4- Where at one end he is happy about the winning of
AIADMK party, at the other end he is being
hopeful for a brighter India and is expecting a
strong change that will give, people of other
countries, a reason for not calling India a 3rd
World country.
5- On 16th May, 2014 it was made clear that Narendra
Modi would be the 15th Prime Minister of India,
all his family members and his supporters
6- The 1 month phase, beginning from 7th April 2014
to 12th May 2014 has been an extremely tedious
phase for him and his party. They have not left
any stone unturned. From newspapers to television
advertisements to radio jingles to social media
each and every media platform has been utilized
to spread their message and tried to build trust
among the voters, especially the first time
voters. - To end it all, according to S.Vaikundarajan
Narendra Modis hard work is paid off in the form
of the Prime Ministerial win and India is all set
to experience a change for the best.
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