Title: Gluu’s Vision
1 Gluus Vision
- Gluu has both a social and a business mission.
These missions need not be at odds. In fact they
are symbiotic. The business vision of Gluu is
quite simple offer a utility service to help
organizations control access to valuable online
resources. Our social mission is to make the
Internet a safer place for people and businesses
by writing great open source software. -
- When I started Gluu in 2009, I felt access
management tools were too expensive for many
organizations. There are millions of domains on
the Internet.web access management system
software like Site minder had a small impact
because only the Fortune 500 could afford it.
Open source software was piece of the solution.
The other piece was to provide a cost effective
mechanism to enable organizations to support the
open source software, so they could build and
operate a mission critical IT service. - Utilities provide the economies of scale to drive
down the cost of technology, making it available
to a wider audience. At the dawn of the electric
era, only the largest companies could afford
electricity. They built power plants on rivers. .
It wasnt until the advent of electric utilities
that drove down the price of electricity that
small businesses and ordinary people could use
it. Big businesses also benefitedthey no longer
had to build and maintain their own power plants.
2Gluus utility access management service funds
our social mission. To make the Internet a safer
place, we need to make security software more
available to developers and system
administrators. The infrastructure we are
building today will provide a coral reef on which
a diverse ecosystem of new Internet services can
thrive. Networks have an ebb and flow of
centralization and decentralization. At first, a
technology is introduced by an innovative
company. For-profit companies inevitably are
quicker to invent products to address market
needs. Over time, standards emerge, and the
networks decentralize. We saw it with CompuServe
and Email, AOL and the Web. With better identity
standards, Google and Face book may get their
comeuppance. In the 90s, it would have been
crazy to imagine every organization launching
their own AOL. And yet, that is exactly what the
Web made possible. And the result of this was a
network richer and more diverse than any media
executive at AOL ever imagined. Furthermore, the
Web was hacked to achieve purposes never
envisioned by AOL executives. Internet identity
is at a similar stage as the Web in 1995. Right
now we use services like Drop box, Google and
other centralized services to share files and
data. Sso services rely on us having accounts in
the central node. I can only share a doc on
Google with you if you have a Google account.
3Or worse services rely on security by obscurity
(which is not really security at all). With
standards and open source software, each domain
could build their own data federation services
like Google, or perhaps new services that no
Google engineer has even imagined. This
trans-formative vision for a decentralized and
safer Internet motivates our team at Gluu. And
hopefully well also make some money. If we can
do a little of both, or a lot of both, well be
satisfied that struggle was worth
it. Article resource-http//thegluu.