The eye and vision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The eye and vision


The eye and vision Medical optics 1. Structure and function of the eye Structure and function of the eye The human body is sensitive to most electromagnetic radiations. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The eye and vision

The eye and vision
  • Medical optics

1. Structure and function of the eye
Structure and function of the eye
  • The human body is sensitive to most
    electromagnetic radiations.
  • Microwave and infrared produce the sensation of
    warmth. Ultraviolet and ionising radiations can
    produce chemical changes and cause biological
    damage such as skin cancer.
  • The eye is the one organ of the body design to
    respond specifically, to receive (or perceive) a
    part of the electromagnetic spectrum- visible
    light- having wavelengths between 380 and 760 nm.

Spectrum of Electromagnetic radiation
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Structure- function
  • 1. Conjunctiva -Is a thin protective covering of
    epithelial cells. It protects the cornea against
    damage by friction (tears from the tear glands
    help this process by lubricating the surface of
    the conjunctiva)
  • 2. Cornea -Is the transparent, curved front of
    the eye which helps to converge the light rays
    which enter the eye
  • 3. Sclera -Is an opaque, fibrous, protective
    outer structure. It is soft connective tissue,
    and the spherical shape of the eye is maintained
    by the pressure of the liquid inside. It provides
    attachment surfaces for eye muscles

Structure- function
  • 2. Choroid - Has a network of blood vessels to
    supply nutrients to the cells and remove waste
    products. It is pigmented that makes the retina
    appear black, thus preventing reflection of light
    within the eyeball.
  • 3. Ciliary body- Has suspensory ligaments that
    hold the lens in place. It secretes the aqueous
    humour, and contains ciliary muscles that enable
    the lens to change shape, during accommodation
    (focusing on near and distant objects)
  • 4. Iris -Is a pigmented muscular structure
    consisting of an inner ring of circular muscle
    and an outer layer of radial muscle. Its function
    is to help control the amount of light entering
    the eye so that
  • - too much light does not enter the eye which
    would damage the retina
  • - enough light enters to allow a person to see
  • 5. Pupil -Is a hole in the middle of the iris
    where light is allowed to continue

Structure- function
  • 6. Lens -Is a transparent, flexible, curved
    structure. Its function is to focus incoming
    light rays onto the retina using its refractive
  • 7. Retina -Is a layer of sensory neurones, the
    key structures being photoreceptors (rod and cone
    cells) which respond to light. Contains relay
    neurones and sensory neurones that pass impulses
    along the optic nerve to the part of the brain
    that controls vision
  • 8. Fovea (yellow spot) - A part of the retina
    that is directly opposite the pupil and contains
    only cone cells. It is responsible for good
    visual acuity (good resolution

  • 9. Blind spot -Is where the bundle of sensory
    fibres form the optic nerve it contains no
    light-sensitive receptors
  • 10. Vitreous humour -Is a transparent, jelly-like
    mass located behind the lens. It acts as a
    suspension for the lens so that the delicate
    lens is not damaged. It helps to maintain the
    shape of the posterior chamber of the eyeball
  • 11. Aqueous humour -Helps to maintain the shape
    of the anterior chamber of the eyeball

  • Optic Nerve - The biological pathway to the brain
    stem, which forwards electrical energy to the
    occipital lobe.
  • Occipital Lobe - The part of the brain that
    converts electrical energy into an image.

How the Eye Functions?
  • As light enters the eye, it first passes through
    the cornea, the clear outer portion of the eye.
    Because the cornea is curved, the light rays
    bend, allowing light to pass through the pupil to
    the lens. The iris, or colored part of the eye,
    regulates the amount of light that enters the eye
    with the ciliary muscles. These muscles cause the
    pupil to contract when exposed to excess light or
    to dilate when there is too little light.
  • When light hits the curved surface of the lens,
    it is refracted and brought into focus on the
    retina. The retina then turns the light into
    electrical energy. This energy passes through the
    optic nerve to the brain stem and finally into
    the occipital lobe, where it is converted into an

Refraction and the Eye
  • Refraction is the phenomenon which makes image
    formation possible by the eye as well as by
    cameras and other systems of lenses.
  • Most of that refraction in the eye takes place at
    the first surface, since the transition from the
    air into the cornea is the largest change in
    index of refraction which the light experiences.
  • About 80 of the refraction occurs in the cornea
    and about 20 in the inner crystalline lens.
    While the inner lens is the smaller portion of
    the refraction, it is the total source of the
    ability to accommodate the focus of the eye for
    the viewing of close objects. For the normal eye,
    the inner lens can change the total focal length
    of the eye by 7-8.
  • Common eye defects are often called "refractive
    errors" and they can usually be corrected by
    relatively simple compensating lenses

Refractive index
  • The greatest change of direction, or bending of
    the rays, occurs where the difference of
    refractive index is greatest, and this is when
    light passes from air into the cornea, the
    refractive index of the corneal substance being
  • the refractive indices of the cornea and aqueous
    humour are not greatly different, that of the
    aqueous humour being 1.336 (as is that of the
    vitreous) thus, the bending, as the rays meet
    the concave posterior surface of the cornea and
    emerge into a medium of slightly less refractive
    index, is small.
  • The lens has a greater refractive index than that
    of its surrounding aqueous humour and vitreous
    body, 1.386 to 1.406, so that its two surfaces
    contribute to convergence, the posterior surface
    normally more than the anterior surface because
    of its greater curvature (smaller radius).

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Physical structure of human retina
  • In adult humans the entire retina is
    approximately 72 of a sphere about 22 mm in
  • The entire retina contains about 7 million cones
    and 75 to 150 million rods. An area of the retina
    is the optic disc, sometimes known as "the blind
    spot" because it lacks photoreceptors. It appears
    as an oval white area of 3 mm².
  • Temporal (in the direction of the temples) to
    this disc is the macula. At its center is the
    fovea, a pit that is most sensitive to light and
    is responsible for our sharp central vision.
  • Human and non-human primates possess one fovea
    as opposed to certain bird species such as hawks
    who actually are bifoviate and dogs and cats who
    possess no fovea but a central band known as the
    visual streak.
  • Around the fovea extends the central retina for
    about 6 mm and then the peripheral retina. The
    edge of the retina is defined by the ora serrata.
    The length from one ora to the other (or macula),
    the most sensitive area along the horizontal is
    about 3.2 mm.

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Retinal structure
The retina is a seven-layered structure
Retinal structure
  • The retina is a seven-layered structure involved
    in signal transduction. In general, dark
    "nuclear" or "cell" layers contain cell bodies,
    while pale "plexiform" layers contain axons and
  • Trace the signal through the retina- Light
    enters from the GCL side first, and must
    penetrate all cell types before reaching the rods
    and cones.- The outer segments of the rods and
    cones transduce the light and send the signal
    through the cell bodies of the ONL and out to
    their axons.- In the OPL photoreceptor axons
    contact the dendrites of bipolar cells and
    horizontal cells. Horizontal cells are
    interneurons which aid in signal processing.-
    The bipolar cells in the INL process input from
    photoreceptors and horizontal cells, and transmit
    the signal to their axons.- In the IPL, bipolar
    axons contact ganglion cell dendrites and
    amacrine cells, another class of interneurons.-
    The ganglion cells of the GCL send their axons
    through the OFL to the optic disk to make up the
    optic nerve. They travel all the way to the
    lateral geniculate nucleus.

Rods and cones
  • The retina contains two types of photoreceptors,
    rods and cones. The rods are more numerous, some
    120 million, and are more sensitive than the
    cones. However, they are not sensitive to color.
  • The 6 to 7 million cones provide the eye's color
    sensitivity and they are much more concentrated
    in the central yellow spot known as the macula.
    In the center of that region is the " fovea
    centralis ", a 0.3 mm diameter rod-free area with
    very thin, densely packed cones.
  • The experimental evidence suggests that among the
    cones there are three different types of color
    reception. Response curves for the three types of
    cones have been determined. Since the perception
    of color depends on the firing of these three
    types of nerve cells, it follows that visible
    color can be mapped in terms of three numbers
    called tristimulus values.
  • Color perception has been successfully modeled in
    terms of tristimulus values and mapped on the
    chromaticity diagram.

Electron microscopy image
rhodopsine (11 cis-retinal-opsine)
The rods employ a sensitive photopigment called
The chromophor 11-cis retinal
  • Photochemical reaction and conversion to
    all-trans retinal

  • The cones are less sensitive to light than the
    rods, as shown a typical day-night comparison.
  • The daylight vision (cone vision) adapts much
    more rapidly to changing light levels, adjusting
    to a change like coming indoors out of sunlight
    in a few seconds.
  • Like all neurons, the cones fire to produce an
    electrical impulse on the nerve fiber and then
    must reset to fire again. The light adaptation is
    thought to occur by adjusting this reset time.
  • The cones are responsible for all high resolution
    vision. The eye moves continually to keep the
    light from the object of interest falling on the
    fovea centralis where the bulk of the cones

Luminous Efficacy The curves represent the
spectral luminous efficacy for human vision. The
lumen is defined such that the peak of the
photopic vision curve has a luminous efficacy of
683 lumens/watt. This value for the scotopic
peak makes the efficacy the same as the photopic
value at 555 nm. The scotopic vision is
primarily rod vision, and the photopic vision
includes the cones. The response curve of the
eye along with the spectral power distribution of
a luminous object determine the perceived color
of the object.
Spectral responseThe Color-Sensitive Cones
  • In 1965 came experimental confirmation of a long
    expected result - there are three types of
    color-sensitive cones in the retina of the human
    eye, corresponding roughly to red, green, and
    blue sensitive detectors.
  • Painstaking experiments have yielded response
    curves for three different kind of cones in the
    retina of the human eye.
  • The "green" and "red" cones are mostly packed
    into the fovea centralis. By population, about
    64 of the cones are red-sensitive, about 32
    green sensitive, and about 2 are blue sensitive.
  • The "blue" cones have the highest sensitivity and
    are mostly found outside the fovea. The shapes of
    the curves are obtained by measurement of the
    absorption by the cones, but the relative heights
    for the three types are set equal for lack of
    detailed data. There are fewer blue cones, but
    the blue sensitivity is comparable to the others,
    so there must be some boosting mechanism. In the
    final visual perception, the three types seem to
    be comparable, but the detailed process of
    achieving this is not known.

Spectral response
  • The minimum or threshold intensity needed to see
    a flash of light is very wavelength dependent.
  • The cornea is opague to wavelength shorter then
    300 nm, and the lens to wavelength below 380 nm.
  • Rods and cones do not detect wavelength above 700
  • Although the rods do not give any color
    information, they are most sensitive to light in
    the green part of the spectrum , with wavelength
    of about 510 nm.

Sensibilitatea spectrala a conurilor si
bastonaselor. Conurile si bastonasele sunt
sensibile la lungimi de unda diferite ale
spectrului vizibil.
Deci retina contine patru foto-receptori
bastonasele si trei tipuri de conuri, fiecare
dintre ele specializate pentru absorbtia unei
alte portiuni a spectrului vizibil - Conuri
care absorb lungimi de unda mari (rosu) -
Conuri care absorb lungimi de unda medii (verde)
- Conuri care absorb lungimi de unda mici
(albastru) .
  • When the eye is relaxed and the interior lens is
    the least rounded, the lens has its maximum focal
    length for distant viewing . As the muscle
    tension around the ring of muscle is increased
    and the supporting fibers are thereby loosened,
    the interior lens rounds out to its minimum focal

Eye Diseases and Refractive Errors
  • Refractive Errors
  • Nearsightedness (myopia) - Nearsighted vision is
    caused by an irregularly shaped cornea that
    results in light focusing in front of the retina,
    rather than directly on the retina. People who
    are nearsighted have difficulty seeing objects at
    a distance.
  • Farsightedness (hypermetropia) - Farsighted
    vision is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea
    that results in light focusing behind the retina
    instead of directly on the retina. People who are
    farsighted have difficulty seeing nearby objects.
  • Astigmatism - The most common of all eye
    disorders, astigmatism is a condition in which
    the eyeball is shaped more like a football than
    its naturally spherical shape. This odd shape
    causes light to focus on two points of the
    retina, rather than one.
  • Presbyopia (old sight) - Presbyopia occurs when
    the lens of the eye becomes less flexible,
    necessitating the use of reading glasses for near
    vision. Specifically, the lens becomes stiffer,
    and the muscles that control the lens become
    weaker, hindering its ability to bend and flatten
    in order to focus light on the retina.

  • Is a refractive defect of the eye in which
    collimated light produces image focus in front of
    the retina when accommodation is relaxed.
  • Those with myopia see nearby objects clearly but
    distant objects appear blurred. With myopia, the
    eyeball is too long, or the cornea is too steep,
    so images are focused in the vitreous inside the
    eye rather than on the retina at the back of the
    eye. The opposite defect of myopia is hyperopia
    or "farsightedness" or "long-sightedness"this is
    where the cornea is too flat or the eye is too

Myopia and correction with diverging lens
Thin lens formula
  • fc focus distance of the eye lens (biconvex
  • X2 the distance between the crystal and retina
  • XR distance between the object and retina
  • The optical system consist of the eye crystal
    with fc and the glasses with f0the corrected
    image is on the retina.
  • (2) - (1) ?, fo lt 0 ?
  • Diverging lens for correction

(1) (2)
  • Consider a man whose far point is 0,5 m. The
    distance between the eye crystal and the retina
    is 20 mm 0.02 m.
  • The power of his eye when fully relaxed is
  • P 1/ f .
  • To have his far point at infinity , the man needs
    the power to be
  • When wearing the glasses, the effective power is
    the algebraic sum of the powers of his eyes and
    his lenses, assuming the lenses are close to the
  • P Pi Pf 50-52 -2 dioptres . So he need
    diverging lenses to see distant object clearly.

  • Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness,
    longsightedness or hypermetropia, is a defect of
    vision caused by an imperfection in the eye
    (often when the eyeball is too short or when the
    lens cannot become round enough), causing
    difficulty focusing on near objects, and in
    extreme cases causing a sufferer to be unable to
    focus on objects at any distance.
  • As an object moves toward the eye, the eye must
    increase its power to keep the image in focus on
    the retina. If the power of the cornea and lens
    is insufficient, as in hyperopia, the image will
    appear blurred.
  • Hyperopia, and restoring of vision with convex
  • People with hyperopia can experience blurred
    vision, asthenopia, accommodative dysfunction,
    binocular dysfunction, amblyopia, and strabismus.

Hypermetropia, correction with converging lenses.
Thin lens formula
  • fc focus distance of the eye lens (biconvex
  • X2 the distance between the crystal and retina
  • Xp distance between the object and retina
  • The optical system is made of the crystal (fc)
    and the glasses (fo) and will bring the near
    point of an object placed at ? -25 cm to the
  • (1)-(2)

  • Consider a man whose far point is 2 m and the
    distance from the eye crystal to the retina is
    20 mm 0.02 m.
  • The power of his eye when fully relaxed is
  • To focus at 0.25 m the man will need a power
  • So the correction must provide a power of 4
    dioptres to give him a near point of 0.25 m.
  • P 54 - 50 4 dioptres

  • This is usually caused by the cornea being not
    spherically curved, so that it has different
    curvatures in different directions. Images are
    seen in shaper focus in one direction, e.g.
    vertical, than in others. It is corrected by
    lenses that have a cylindrical curvature in the
    correct orientation to compensate for the cornea.

Eye Diseases
  • Cataracts - A cataract is a condition
    characterized by a clouding of the eyes natural
    lens. This clouding occurs when protein begins to
    clump together in the lens.
  • Glaucoma - Glaucoma is an eye disease that occurs
    when elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) causes
    damage to the optic nerve.
  • Macular degeneration - Macular degeneration is a
    degenerative eye disease that is characterized by
    a loss of central vision. It occurs when the
    macula (a tiny area on the retina) becomes
  • Diabetic retinopathy - Diabetic retinopathy is a
    degenerative eye disease that occurs in patients
    with diabetes and is characterized by abnormal
    blood vessel growth. This can eventually lead to
    a detached retina and blindness.

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