Title: Kiteboarding Tricktionary - Twintip Supreme Edition Book
1Kiteboarding Tricktionary Twintip Supreme Edition
2Kiteboarding Tricktionary Twintip Supreme Edition
Like in all Tricktionary products, the
Kiteboarding Tricktionary in it's Twintip Supreme
Edition delivers highest quality in all areas.
The original Tricktionary team around Michael
Rossmeier was supported by the two main authors,
Julian Hosp and Thomas Burblies.
3Kiteboarding Tricktionary Twintip Supreme Edition
Professional kiteboarders from different
countries, disciplines, supported by various
brands, perform precise movements with best
possible style, in order to make it possible to
analyze, visualize and describe the movement in
4Kiteboarding Tricktionary Twintip Supreme Edition
The book has three main categories Superbasics
- Built as a reference for schools and teaching,
and providing advanced kiteboarding techniques
for all riding levels and styles. Airstyle -
Also known as Oldschool, is hooked in jumping,
flying and sliding. Newschool - Also known as
Wakestyle, contains unhooked moves, starting with
Raileys and Rolls until very complex handle
5Kiteboarding Tricktionary Twintip Supreme Edition
- The Kiteboarding Tricktionary is available in 6
different languages in our online store! - Features
- 424 pages
- Hardcover
- Available in 6 languages!
- Instructional content for EVERY level!
- Superbasics, Airstyle, Newschool!