Title: SCIM versus LDAP !
1 SCIM versus LDAP!
- When it comes to pushing users to the Gluu
Server, customers can use either the LDAP and sso
service interface, or the SCIM interface. Which
one should I advise them to use? -
- Ok, I admit it I love LDAP. I and about a
thousand other weirdos scattered across the
globe. What more do programmers want? UnboundID
has written a fantastic Java client SDK. It makes
it really easy to load balance connections to
backend servers. There are many resources on the
web on how to use LDAP. -
- However, despite my love of LDAP, I am now firmly
in the SCIM wagon. Here are a few quick reasons
why -
- Stateless Connections
- If you make a mistake while using an LDAP API, it
opens the possibility you will have an LDAP
connection leak, consume all the available
connections and crash the server. -
2Hides complexity of LDAP The Gluu LDAP
namespace assigns a unique identifier to each
organization that is not exactly programmer
friendly. Also, when adding a person the
developer needs to know the required and optional
attributes for a given LDAP object class. Not
really a blocker, but explaining this extra stuff
takes time, especially to programmers who are not
LDAP geeks. Hard to manage LDAP ACIs
Applications that need to write to the LDAP
server would need credentialsan LDAP DN
(distinguished name) and password (or register a
certificate). Then this DN would need to be given
access to perform the necessary operations. How
to do this differs based on the backend LDAP
Server (i.e. between OpenLDAP and OpenDJ). Hard
to Manage Firewall Rules The Gluu Server is
already open to the Internet on 443. But the ip
address of all LDAP clients would need to be
added as an exception to the Gluu Server host
firewall. Ideally, the customer would want to
specify an AWS security group. It sounds trivial,
but given the other considerations, it helped
tilt the scale for me towards SCIM.
3One complication that contributed to my previous
hesitation to recommend SCIM over LDAP has been
that the SCIM standard does not say how to
protect the APIs. The SCIM interface is very
powerfulthe ability to change passwords and add
users they keys to the kingdom Gluus approach
is to enterprise single sign on it as we secure
all APIsusing UMA. At this point, I dont see
any other viable open standard to secure APIs, so
it seems like its the right approach. The net
effect of these considerations has put me firmly
on the side of SCIM. We still use LDAP in the
Gluu Server for persistence (we love the
replication and performance!). But as an
interface for provisioning (aka IDM) were going
to start pushing SCIM 1.1 from now on. LDAP is
now deprecated. Article resource-http//gluu.we