Title: Rwanda The Land of Mountain Gorillas
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2Rwanda The Land of Mountain Gorillas
Rwanda is the land of hills, volcanoes, rain
forests, primates and rarest remaining mountain
gorillas in the world. Rwanda is one of the three
countries of the world where mountain gorillas
can be found in wild. The Govt. of Africa is so
conscious about this species that visitors to see
the mountain gorillas are strictly controlled.
You may have to book much earlier for your permit
to see these amazing animal species.
3Research says that mountain gorillas are
ancestors of our human race. A fully grown male
mountain gorilla can weigh up to 195 kg with a
standing height of 150 cm. At a mean female can
weigh up near 100 kg with a height of 130 cm.
This species is the second largest among
primates as Eastern Lowland Gorilla is the
larger. Adult gorilla males are called as
silverbacks because of silver colored hairs which
develop on their backs with age. Mountain
gorillas are herbivores and their diet includes
bamboo, leaves, shoots, bark, fruit, flowers and
stems. They are highly social and live in groups.
4Where to see them in Rwanda? Volcanoes National
Park is the home of these few saved mountain
gorillas. This national park is just two hour
drive from airport. In mean time, the drive way
is filled with stunning nature scenes for your
enjoyment. Entrance to the Volcanoes National
Park starts early 7 am in the morning. The park
is well surrounded by Mikeno, Karisimbi and
Visoke volcanic peaks which makes it perfect for
mountain gorillas natural sanctuary.
5The Volcanoes National Park also offers varieties
of other interesting wildlife for your watch
like spotted hyenas, buffaloes, golden monkeys,
elephants, black-fronted duiker, bushbuck and
more than 150 bird species.
6Rwanda has enough natural and wildlife views
which make it undoubtedly worthy as a great
tourism spot. At Rwanda Gorilla Trekking, we
offer best gorilla safari tours by professional
for both Rwanda and Uganda. Get in touch with us
today to book your very own gorilla trekking
safari at a budget friendly price. For further
details check our website http//www.rwandagorilla
trekking.com today.
7Know more information about gorilla tracking
tours in Rwanda Contact Us
is.html Paul Basudde Kampala Uganda Email
paultg2009_at_gmail.com Phone 256759728141
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