Title: SmartPhone is one of the Greatest Business Tool
1SmartPhone is one of the Greatest Business Tool
Business WeSRCH
Smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more
advanced computing ability and connectivity than
a normal phone. Smart Phone do affect
productivity, communication in work place,social
and have an effect in education.
Business WeSRCH
3Features of Smartphone
Smart phones is the ability to access digital
media. This means that the user can load music,
video, and pictures on to their phone and be able
to enjoy all of their media while on the go.
Digital media devices have been around for many
years, but with smart phones incorporating the
functions of these devices, users now have less
items to carry around, less expense to invest in
technology, and more convenience by being able to
access, share, and utilize their digital media
all from one easy-to-use interface. Almost every
smart phone on the market as the ability to
access digital media files.
Business WeSRCH
4Positive Impacts of Smartphones
- Smartphones have made lives of Business People
much easier and comfortable. - Easy to E-mail process
- Easy to Communicate with people
- Ease of using several applications
- Getting exposed on a global scale
- Social responsibility and personality
development - Business development
- Learning and career growth
- Easy to Text Editing
Business WeSRCH
5The Impact Of Smartphones On Businesses
It is hard to ignore the dynamic and rapid growth
of smart devices, the evolution of the web and
fast data networks which drives the new behavior
of consumers and businesses.
1) Participative Customer Engagement 2) Mobile
Advertising 3) M-Commerce 4) Increasing
Internal Productivity
Business WeSRCH
6Different Types of Smartphones
Smartphones have become a standard tool for many
people. These phones run on specialsmartphone soft
ware designed for specific models. Some examples
of this software include Android, Windows CE,
Windows 7, Palm OS, Mac OS and Blackberry
technology. Each operating system is designed for
a specific phone type.
Business WeSRCH
7Business WeSRCH
8Must have Business Apps For Your Smartphone
- Note Taking Apps
- Business Card Reader
- Mobile Office Suite
- Remote Desktop
- File Sharing
- LinkedIn
Business WeSRCH
9Business Application
- These are Applications Mostly use by Businessmen
via SmartPhone
Currency Converter
Cash Control
Net Banking
Business WeSRCH
Financial Calculator