Title: The Escalation Of Smartphone Users
1 The Escalation Of Smartphone Users
Straight Up Marketing
2One of the biggest misconceptions about
Smartphone is that people assume its all right
if mobile devices offer just a part of the
content available on the desktop version of the
website. Some experts state that users only
require quick and focused resources on their
Smartphone, since the desktop will always be the
popular option for more detailed and in-depth
research. But, what about users who dont prefer
to use desktops? What about users who give
preference to mobile devices over desktops? Users
searching for similar information and just prefer
a different type of device, so the Smartphone
users are your preferred clients also.
3Attracting the Smartphone users The rise of
Smartphone ensured that a large number of people
are surfing through their mobile devices. Various
researches have shown that more than 70 of
Australians used different types of mobile
devices to surf the internet in 2015. Majority of
these users mentioned that Smartphone are the
main way they access the websites. It is a
substantial and escalating number of users whose
needs arent staying fulfilled by regular desktop
experiences. To know more Mobile Optimisation,
you can read our blog post Why You Must
Optimise Website for Mobile.
4Some of these customers could possibly have use
of a common Computer as well as a broadband link
at home, school or office, but usually these are
shared gadgets or simply not private. For a
personalized and always online experience, these
users decide to count on their phones.
5For those whore attempting to attain targeted
audiences, dont ignore mobile-only consumers. A
Small report 54 of Australian teenagers who
own Smartphone say that they access the online
world mostly on their mobile phones. In the same
way, 40 of people aged 19 to 29 reported that
they largely go online using a Smartphone. 51
of working class people in Australia who use a
mobile product to access the net say thats the
main way they do browsing. This is quite a large
percentage compared to working class people who
use desktops to access the internet.
6People whose income is fewer than AUD 30,000 a
year and individuals with no university education
will also be far more likely to rely on their
Smartphone to surf net. Almost 42 of individuals
in these groups say they primarily use their
mobile device to go online. Healthcare, NGOs,
government institutions and businesses that want
to target these groups of consumers should keep
in mind that their target audience rely majorly
on Smartphone. But Smartphone users arent only
limited to these demographics. Facebook, Yahoo,
Amazon and Wikipedia, all see about 40 of their
website traffic from mobile users.
7Thank You
Straight Up Marketing