Title: JaVonni Brustow Communications and Media Consultant
1JaVonni Brustow Communications and Media
Consultant Javonni Brustow is a Communications
and Media Consultant with a decade of experience
in event production, news editing and
administering best practices in business
management. Javonni gained his musical background
as an assistant choir director for a DC area mega
church, going on to become a concert producer for
DC Gospel Events, brokering relationships with
many gospel artists in the Washington
metropolitan area. He later joined forces with PR
professional Bryan Sharpe for the now defunct
celebrity news site DefGlam, aiding in the
expansion and management along with Ms Stylistik
among others. Coming from a family of business
owners in the commercial transportation,
contracting and real estate arenas, JaVonni was
raised with an entrepreneurial spirit. Starting
his career with Steptoe Johnson and working
over the years for a national union and in global
poverty relief hes learned policy for both the
working American and those who need help and
direction the most around the world. As friends
of JaVonnis began running for office while
working in mental health for the District of
Columbia, he began to take time to learn
inclusive urban development that would allow all
to take part in a changing city landscape.
Championing his hard work ethic over the years,
sharing resources that would allow others to do
the same, it was at this time Javonni joined the
Republican Party as he felt the best way for the
community to improve was not by government but in
trusting the actions of the community itself. He
went on to join Breitbarts Sonnie Johnson to
speak at the 20th anniversary David Horowitz
Freedom Center Restoration Weekend in West Palm
Beach, Florida, defining urban conservatism along
with collaborating on urban outreach for the
Republican Party. Javonni has grown to become a
trusted name both in business and community
advocacy in Washington with his media and
communications company VM3 Media managing the
government news site MogulPundit and celebrity
news site Pop Glitz. VM3Media.com info_at_VM3Media.c