Title: Gagandeep Singh_High Aspirations
1Gagandeep SinghHigh Aspirations
As a child of immigrants to the United States,
Gagandeep Singh is determined to take advantage
of the hard work and sacrifice his parents have
invested in their family, and to follow their
example for his life.
2Gagandeep SinghImportance of Education
As Chief Financial Officer of JG General
Contracting Incorporated, Gagandeep Singh knows
the value of a quality education. Although he has
achieved great success at the young age of 21, he
is continuing his education at Hofstra University
seeking a degree in Engineering and sociology.
3Gagandeep SinghGiving From the Heart
Gagandeep Singh believes in giving back to the
community and to those who are less fortunate. As
Chief Financial Officer of JG General
Contracting Incorporated, he says the company
enjoys sponsoring activities for the community
such as food and drinks at the
local Sikh Day Parade. JG also donates funds to
poor women in India and Singh himself donates to
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital on a
regular basis.
4Gagandeep SinghRespect for Heritage
Gagandeep Singh is proud of his Indian heritage
and culture. Singh works as Chief Financial
Officer of a contracting company and is currently
enrolled in University to diversify his skills.
With such success and a busy schedule, it could
be easy to forget where he came from, but he says
that will never happen.