Title: Anthony Musilli – Animal Advocate
1Anthony Musilli Animal Advocate
Anthony Musilli is a local Buffalo, New York
businessman who owns and manages a Cinnabon
Bakery franchise in the Niagara Falls Fashion
Outlets. He is an animal advocate and regularly
volunteers his free time at local animal
shelters. He and his family have fostered over 30
dogs since 2005 and have two standard poodles and
a rescued Chinese crested dog themselves.
2Anthony Musilli Dog Rescue
Anthony Musilli is the owner and manager of a
local Cinnabon Bakery franchise in Niagara Falls,
New York. His true passion is animal rescue, and
he volunteers much of his time at the local
rescue group, Shih Tzu, and Furbaby Group. He
and his family have fostered over 30 dogs since
2005 and adopted a rescued Chinese crested dog in
partnership with Shih Tzu and Furbaby.
3Anthony Musilli Franchise Owner
Anthony Musilli is a successful business owner in
Niagara Fall, New York. He is the owner and
manager of a successful Cinnabon Bakery Franchise
in the Niagara Falls Fashion Outlets. He exhibits
excellent management and team building skills,
which has been the core of his franchises success.
4Anthony Musilli History Enthusiast
Anthony Musilli is the owner of a Cinnabon Bakery
franchise in Niagara Falls, New York. In his free
time, he enjoys traveling extensively around the
world. While traveling he enjoys immersing
himself in the local cuisine and fine dining that
different parts of the world have to offer. He
always sets apart time to visit important
historical sites. So far he has been to China to
explore the Great Wall of China, to Peru to
experience Machu Picchu, and India to visit the
Taj Mahal.