Title: Positive news on surrogacy
1Positive News on Surrogacy
2The team of doctors shares a light moment
Right from how speciality clinics have a panel of
healthy surrogate mothers to choose from, to the
charges and contracts involved, the emotional
issues of separation with the foetus.
3Kolkata Doctors shoot film to bust surrogacy
These five doctors were friends at the Calcutta
Medical College who bonded not only through class
lectures and practical's in the anatomy
laboratory, but also on stage professionally. But
now, they have decided to graduate beyond the
stage on to the silver screen. This time they
have come together to film a story that revolves
around surrogacy.
5In the film, the doctors have tried to highlight
a trend that they felt was gradually becoming a
part of the health reality of women in the city.
In the course of their professional lives, each
of them has come across patients, colleagues,
friends and relatives who have gone for Assisted
conception and Surrogacy for want of a
child. Gynecologist Gautam Khastagir agrees.
"Though I tend to differ with doctors about
whether surrogacy is such an urgent option, I do
believe that surrogate mothers deserve a
respectable status than what the society is
prepared to give them. Films like these will help
to spread awareness at different levels," he said.
6IVF and Surrogacy
Filmmaker Amanita Sarbadhicari who created
history by opting to choose a partner later but
go for pregnancy and motherhood using assisted
conception finds the idea extremely interesting.
"I am glad that these doctors have decided to
make this film! Every bit of information helps to
remove the cobwebs of doubts in the collective
psyche of a city that still dithers when it comes
to IVF and Surrogacy!"