Title: Presentation on Communication Jamming and Jammers
2ComsTrac Limited has specialized in the supply
of professional surveillance and protection
equipment for Cellular Interception, Cellular
Tracking and Cellular Monitoring for Law
Enforcement Agencies for the last 10 years
especially GSM Interception, GSM Monitoring, GSM
Interceptor and interception monitoring systems
both active and passive versions. We have
considerable experience in the supply of all
forms of Cellular and Satellite communication
intercept and interception monitoring systems,
for Cellular Interception, GSM Interception
Systems, Passive GSM Interceptors and
interception monitoring, Hybrid Active GSM
Interceptors and interception monitoring, CDMA,
Satellite, Computer and Standard Telephone
Communications. We have specialized in the supply
of VIP and Convoy protective Jammers, armoured
vehicles and protective ballistic clothing to
high level clients on 4 continents.
3Communication Jamming
4Communication Jammers
Communication Jammers are often used for heavy
scale signal jamming of buildings, prisons, and
outdoor perimeters. While some choose to block
all RF signals, most communication jamming is
tuned to cellular bands. This is because of the
ever increasing problem of smuggled phones in
both prisons and Government buildings.
Communication Jammers are deployed first and
foremost by correctional institutions to actively
disrupt criminals from committing additional
offenses by using smuggled cell phones in
prisons. Other users of Communication Jammers
consist of Government facilities, diplomatic
embassy and consulate security, as well as
research institutions who need to secure their
5Examples Of Communication Jammers
6Wi-Fi Jammers
used to prevent voice and data over a wireless
7GSM Jammer
Designed for jamming GSM mobile handsets in IMT
2000, 2G, as well as 3G.
8CDMA Jammer
Bands to block by RF Jamming include DCS and PCS,
UMTS, as well as older AMPS and TDMA phone
Communication Tracking SystemsComsTrac Limited5
Lyttelton RoadLondonN2 0DWTel
44-208-2018898Fax 44-845-2802659Email