Title: Task
1Film Genre
2Genres Sub-Genres
History Adventure, biography, drama, war
Horror Comedy, Drama, sci fi Music
Biography, documentary, drama Musical Comedy,
history, romance Mystery Adventure, comedy,
thriller Romance Comedy, crime, history,
thriller Sci-fi Animation, comedy, family,
horror Sport Biography, comedy, documentary
Thriller comedy, crime, horror, mystery War
Action, biography, comedy, documentary Western-
Action, adventure, comedy
- Action Comedy, crime, thriller
- Adventure Biography, thriller, war
- Animation Adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
- Biography Crime, mystery, sport
- Comedy Action, horror, romance
- Crime Drama, mystery, romance
- Documentary Biography, comedy, crime, history
- Drama Romance, Film-Noir, Musical, war
- Family Adventure, comedy, romance, fantasy
- Fantasy Adventure, comedy, romance, drama
- Film Noir Crime, mystery, romance thriller
In depth analysis of the main genres can be found
3Why is Genre important to Audiences
- Genre creates a level of familiarity amongst
audiences they know what type of film they like
to watch and what they can expect from particular
genres. Audiences are the foremost influence on
genre in terms of how they're created and
distributed in order to make them appealing upon
their release at multiplexes as well disc and
original format. By including typical significant
conventions within a film that are linked to a
genre, a film will become more appealing to an
audience as well being easier to recognise which
will ultimately mean they will end up watching
it. If a film was not to have any clear genre to
it, its likely that few people will even watch
the film in the first place.
4Uses and Gratifications Audiences Pleasures
- Recognition iconographies and conventions due to
recurring familiarity - Emotional and physical pleasures in response to
certain film genres - Character judging and relation
- A sense of community when watching and enjoying
films with others - Shifting expectations via manipulated genres
- Predictions and expectations being met
5Why is Genre important to Producers and
- Genre is essential to producers so that they are
aware from the start of creating a film, theyll
have to follow typical conventions so that the
film doesnt lose its focus. This is also the
same so that institutions can pick the correct
elements that make up a film such as actors,
props, setting and most crucially the story and
the script itself. Additionally, when promoting a
film in terms of a trailer and any other form of
advertising campaign, it needs to be made clear
by the institution what the film genre is but
also make sure no story line is essentially given
away. Genre all helps mainly institutions but
audiences as well, so that supply and demand can
be more effective in attracting more viewers.
6Are Genres Fixed?
- In terms of typical conventions and
iconographies, any type of genre will find itself
to have some key aspects that will help
institutions make a particular film follow the
correct narrative style that appeals to fans of
that movie type, an example being perhaps
monsters and jumpy moment are associated with
horror films. However, genre of any type has to
adapt with the times in terms of society and
personal value, whilst in addition styles of film
making becoming more or less popular, as well as
technology changing and becoming advanced to
create a much more realistic and believable
experience. To again use the example of horror,
aspects of the genre such as blood and gore have
fallen more out of favour for psychological and
supernatural style in recent times as demands for
fresh ideas rises. Genres have to change so that
there isn't a constant repetition of narrative
which in turn would not attract an audience. Some
genres can rely on the usual passive key features
however most such as horror differ based upon
shared cultural values as opposed to a fixed
guideline of features.