Title: $1000 in a Week on eBay
11000 in a Weekon eBay
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2Understanding Joint Ventures and eBay Sellers
A joint venture can help you grow the amount of
business you have at the moment and the size of
the projects you take without growing the actual
size of your business. It is a legal organization
that takes the form of a partnership in which two
people jointly undertake mutual profit.
3The Joint Venture Process
- Understanding the Joint Venture Process
requires no experience. All you need to do is
decide which side of the JV you are on. If you
are a product owner or have resell rights to the
product that isn't readily available anywhere
else, you can then look at a JV from the point of
view of product provider. Browse eBay and look
for a seller, a power seller usually has a very
good mailing list and is open for JV's. When you
find a seller, all that you need to do is a
simple email.
4More Details
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