bubble column reacter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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bubble column reacter


bubble column reacter – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: basudha.maurya


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: bubble column reacter

Bubble column reactors
  • Basudha Maurya
  • vasundhre_at_gmail.com
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • MNNIT, Allahabad

Topics Covered
  • Introduction to Heterogenous fluid-fluid reaction
  • Bubble column fundamentals
  • The general rate expression
  • Design Equation
  • Axial dispersion model
  • Designing factors
  • Mixing and RTD
  • Practical Examples, Advantages
  • and Disadvantages

Heterogenous Fluid-fluid reactions
  • Reasons for the use of Fluid-fluid reactions
  • 1. the product of reaction may be a desired
  • 2. to take place to facilitate the removal of
    an unwanted component from a fluid.
  • 3. to take place to facilitate the removal of
    an unwanted component from a fluid.

Heterogenous Fluid-fluid reactions
  • Factors determining how to approach
  • 1. The Overall Rate Expression. Since
    materials in the two separate phases must contact
    each other before reaction can occur, both the
    mass transfer and the chemical rates will enter
    the overall rate expression.
  • 2. Equilibrium Solubility. solubility of the
    reacting components will limit their movement
    from phase to phase and it will determine
    whether the reaction takes place in one or both
  • 3. The Contacting Scheme. semibatch and
    countercurrent contacting schemes predominate but
    batch contacter are also used

Type Of fluid-fluid Reacter
Contacting patterns for g/L contactors.
Bubble column reactors
  • Why bubble column reactors?
  • -Broad range of potential applications in
    the chemical, petrochemical and biochemical
  • What is bubble column reactors?
  • -Bubble columns are devices in which gas, in the
    form of bubbles, comes in contact with liquid.
  • -The purpose may be simply to mix the liquid
  • -Substances are transferred from one phase to the

Bubble column reactors
Bubble column reactors
  • -Simple vertical cylindrical vessels with intense
    contact betweenn the two phases.
  • -The gas phase is dispersed into the liquid
    phase using specific gas distributorss at the
    bottom of the column.
  • -The net liquid flow may be co-current or
    counter-current to the gas flow direction or may
    be zero.
  • -Spargers, like porous plates, generate
    uniform size bubbles and distribute the gas
    uniformly at the bottom of the liquid pool.

Type of Bubble Columns
  • A).Simple bubble column B) Cascade bubble
    column with sieve trays C) Packed bubble
    column D) Multishaft bubble column E) Bubble
    column with static mixers

Contacting Patterns
Gas Distributions
  • The gas is dispersed to create small bubbles and
    distribute them uniformly over the cross section
    of the equipment to maximize the intensity of
    mass transfer.
  • The formation of fine bubbles is especially
    desirable in coalescence-hindered systems and in
    the homogeneous flow regime.
  • In principle, however, significant mass transfer
    can be obtained at the gas distributor through a
    high local energy-dissipation density.

Static Gas Spargers
Dynamic Gas Spargers
Concentration profile
  • There is a concentration drop around the
    spherical bubble because it is migrating outward,
  • At the planar gas-liquid interface there should
    be a discontinuity in CA at the interface due to
    the solubility of species A and a consequent
    equilibrium distribution between phases.

Gas Holdup
  • Gas holdup is one of the most important operating
    parameters because it not only governs phase
    fraction and gas-phase residence time but is also
    crucial for mass transfer between liquid and gas.
  • Gas holdup depends chiefly on gas flow rate, but
    also to a great extent on the gas  liquid system

Gas Holdup
  • Gas holdup is defined as the volume of the gas
    phase divided by the total volume of the
  • The relationship between gas holdup and gas
    velocity is generally described by the
  • In the homogeneous flow regime, n is close to
    unity. When large bubbles are present, the
    exponent decreases, i.e., the gas holdup
    increases less than proportionally to the gas
    flow rate.

Interphase Forces
  • Drag force
  • -Resultant slip velocity between two phases.
  • Virtual mass force
  • -Arising from the inertia effect.
  • Basset force
  • -Due to the development of a boundary layer
    around a bubble.
  • Transversal lift force
  • -Created by gradients in relative velocity
    across the bubble diameter, may also act on the

Interface behaviour for the liquid-phase reaction
  • Case A Instantaneous reaction with low C,
  • Case B Instantaneous reaction with high CB
  • Case C Fast reaction in liquid film, with low CB
  • Case D Fast reaction in liquid film, with high
  • Case E and F Intermediate rate
  • with reaction in the film and in
  • the main body of the liquid
  • Case G Slow reaction in main
  • body but with film resistance
  • Case H Slow reaction, no mass
  • transfer resistance

The General Rate Equation
  • Assumptions
  • - gaseous A is soluble in the liquid but that
    B does not enter the gas.
  • -solubility of gasous phase obeys Henerys Law
  • -reaction may occur in the liquid film , in
    the bulk liquid or in both
  • -Whitmans two fim theary applicable

The General Rate Equation
  • The overall rate expression for the reaction
    will have to account for the mass transfer
    resistance (to bring reactants together) and the
    resistance of the chemical reactions step.
  • Considers the following second-order reaction

  • Gas film, liquid film and the main body of liquid
    act as resistance in series.
  • For these three steps we can write

  • Hence the overall rate expression is
  • Where

The Rate Equation for Straight Mass Transfer
  • No chemical reaction takes place
  • Also known as Physical Absorption
  • Here we have two resistances in series, of the
    gas film and of the liquid film.
  • The final rate
  • equation is as follows

Design Equation For Bubble Column Reactor
  • We assume that the rate is fast enough so that
    no unreacted A enters the main body of the
    liquid. This assumes that the Hatta modulus is
    not very much smaller than unity.
  • Here we must make two accountings, a differential
    balance for the loss of A from the gas because G
    is in plug flow, and an overall balance for B
    because L is in mixed flow.
  • Focusing on rising gas, we have

  • ..(i)
  • Where moles A/mole
    inert in the gas

  • For the liquid as a whole and for the gas as a
    whole, a balance about the whole reactor gives

  • ..(ii)

  • Integrating Eq.(i) along the path of the bubble
    and also using Eq.(ii) gives

Axial Dispersion in Bubble Column Reacter
  • Most realistic model is that of dispersed
    plug-flow in both phases but this is also the
    most complicated model.
  • simple axial dispersion is reasonably well in
  • Because the residence time of the liquid phase
    in the column is usually much longer than that of
    the gas, hence liquid phase will be well-mixed
    even when the gas phase is not.
  • In our case reaction is very fast and occurs
    wholly within the liquid film surrounding the
    bubbles and concentration in the bulk of the
    liquid of the species A is zero, and the mixing
    pattern in the liquid has therefore no influence
    on the rate of transfer.

Axial Dispersion in Bubble Column Reacter Model
  • Assumptions
  • - The fluid velocity and the concentrations
    of any dissolved species are assumed to be
    uniform at any cross-section of the pipe,
  • -Mixing or dispersion in the direction of
    flow (i.e. in the axial r-direction) is taken
    into account
  • - fluid have a constant density so that the
    mean velocity u is constant.

  • The axial mixing is described by exactly the same
    way as in molecular diffusion.
  • where DL is the dispersion
  • coeficient in the longitudinal
  • direction.
  • Fluid near the centre of
  • the pipe travels more quickly
  • than that near the wall, the
  • overall result being mixing in
  • the axial direction.

  • Axial dispersion is caused primarily by
    differences in velocity at different radial
    positions rather than by turbulent eddy.
  • system is not in a steady state with respect to
    the tracer distribution, the concentration will
    vary with both z the position in the pipe and, at
    any fixed position, with time.
  • Consider a material balance between z and (z
    dz), in a time interval dt unit area of

  • For very fast steady state gas-liquid reaction,
    the reactant A is transferred thus removed from
    the gas phase at a rate which is proportional to
    the concentration of A in the gas, i.e. as in a
    homogeneous first-order reaction.
  • so we have
  • Reaction vessel is considered to be closed,
    i.e. reaction is assumed to be confined to the
    reaction vessel itself

  • Boundary conditions
  • - rate of transfer is made up of two
    contributions, the convective flow
    diffusion-like dispersive flow
  • 1. Across the plane at the inlet to the reactor,
    these two fluxes must be equal which gives

  • 2. Now consider the outlet pipe from the reactor
  • fluid leaving the reactor must have the same
    concentration of reactant as the fluid just
    inside the outlet plane, which yields
  • To solve the differential on substituting
  • in the diff eq.() we get

Axial Dispersion in Bubble Column Reacter
  • For bubble column two-phase gas-liquid system,
  • Where Gas hold-upfraction of the tube
    cross-sectional area occupied by the gas, i.e.
    the region in which gas dispersion occurs.
  • Empirical equation for the gas-phase dispersion
    coefficient is

  • Empirical equation for the gas-phase dispersion
    coefficient is
  • For two-phase bubble column for steady-state
  • reactant A at the exit inlet of the column
  • where

  • The rate of transfer per unit volume of
    dispersion is thus
  • From Henry law,
  • From the ideal gas law the gas-phase
  • By using above eq. we have

Factors to be considered for the Design Of
Bubble Column Reactor
  • (a) Contacting pattern. Bubble tanks approximate
  • plug G/mixed L.
  • (b) kg and kl. For liquid droplets in gas kg is
    high, k, is low. For gas bubbles rising in liquid
    kg is low, k, is high.
  • (c) Flow rates. more flexible in that they work
    well in a wider range of Fl/Fg values.
  • (d) If the resistance is in the gas film
    dominates stay away from bubble contactors.

  • (e) Solubility.For gases of low solubility in the
    liquid, thus high H value liquid film controls
  • (f) Reaction lowers the resistance of the liquid
  • so
  • -For absorption of highly soluble gases,
    chemical reaction is not helpful.
  • -For absorption of slightly soluble gases,
    chemical reaction is helpful and does speed up
    the rate.
  • (g) Kinetic Constant of the Reaction. The
    kinetics of the reaction need to be known or
    measured which may be affected by temperature.

Mixing in bubble phases and Residence time
  • If an isolated bubble rises in the reactor, then
    the flow pattern in this phase is clearly
    unmixed, and this phase should be described as a
  • Possible flow patterns
  • 1. In simplest case ,an isolated bubble which
    rises a clearly unmixed situation.

  • 2. 2. If bubbles flow upward, but continuously
    break up and coalesce, the residence time
    distribution of the species in this pase is
    narrow or roughly that of a PFTR,
  • 3. If the bubble is in a continuous phase which
    is being stirred, then in the limit of very rapid
    stirring, the residence time distribution will be
    same as in CSTR.
  • 4. However with stirring and coalescence and
    breakup, both effects tend to mix the contents of
    the bubbles or drops

CFD Modeling of Bubble Columns
  • Eulerian-Lagrangian approach
  • -To simulate trajectories of individual
    bubbles (bubble-scale phenomena)
  • Eulerian-Eulerian approach
  • -To simulate the behavior of gas-liquid
    dispersions with high gas volume fractions (e.g.
    to simulate millions of bubbles over a long
    period of time)

High Aspect-Ratio Bubble Columns
  • Bubble column with a low aspect ratio or a
    single- impeller agitated tank behaves
    essentially as a well-mixed reactor
  • A much more desirable situation is the gas to be
    in a state of plug flow.
  • To approximate to plug flow, the logical
    development is to use a bubble column which is
    tall in relation to its diameter.
  • if the same volume of liquid is contained in a
    tall, smaller diameter column, there are two
  • 1. probability that the gas (and possibly
    the liquid) will be more nearly in a state of
    plug flow.

  • 2.Assuming that gas is supplied at the same
    volumetric flowrate
  • -superficial gas velocity through the column
  • be increased.
  • -specific interfacial area and the gas
    hold-up also
  • increase with superficial gas velocity
  • -which increase in the rate of reaction per
  • volume of dispersion.
  • One disadvantage of a tall column is the cost of
    compressing the gas to overcome the additional
    hydrostatic head.

  • Practical examples of reactions taking place
    in bubble column reactor
  • oxidation reactions (e.g. oxidation of
    cyclohexane to adipic acid, partial oxidation of
    ethylenee to acetaldehyde, oxidation of
    n-parrafins to sec-alcohols)
  • hydrogenation reactions (e.g. saturation of fatty
    acids, hydrogenation of glucose to sorbitol)
  • chlorination reactions (production of aliphatic
    and aromatic chlorinated compounds)
  • hydrotreating and conversion of petroleum
  • Fermentation (production of ethanol and mammalian
  • biological waste water treatment
  • oxidesulfurization of coal
  • oxichlorination of ethylene to dichlorethane
  • Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
  • methanol synthesis
  • polymerisation of olefins

  • Advantages offered by bubble column reactor
  • efficient contact between the phases, the gas
    and the liquid, and eventually the third phase,,
    the solid catalyst
  • high liquid hold up, recommended for reactions
    taking place in the liquid phase (as the casee of
    bubble columns)
  • reasonable inter-phase mass transfer rates at low
    energy input
  • limitation of pressure drop
  • easy temperature control
  • little maintenance due to the simple construction
  • lack of moving parts
  • high adaptability for a specific process
  • no serious erosion and plugging problems due to
    the catalyst
  • low costs of construction and operation

  • Disadvantages of bubble column reactor
  • considerable degree of backmixing in both the
    liquid and the gas phase
  • short gas phase residence time
  • higher pressure drop with respect to packed
  • rapid decreasing of interfacial area above values
    of the aspect ratio greater than, say 12, due to
    the increased rate of coalescence
  • Scale up is still poorly understood

  • Coulson Richardson's CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
    VOLUME 3 THIRD EDITION Chemical Biochemical
    Reactors Process Control , J. F. RICHARDSON
    ,Department of Chemical Engineering,University of
    Wales Swansea and D. G. PEACOCK ,The School of
  • Chemical Reaction Engineering Third
    Edition,Octave LevenspielDepartment of Chemical
    Engineering,Oregon State University
    SCHMIDT,University of Minnesota
  • Scaling up bubble column reactors ,M.I.
    Urseanu ,Vant Hoff Institute for Molecular
    Sciences (HIMS)
  • Bubble Coulmn,Quak Foo Lee ,Department of
    Chemical and Biological Engineering,The
    University of British Columbia

  • Thank You
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