Title: Concept of Urban Farming
1Concept of Urban Farming
- Welcome to Sun State Organics
2The concept of Urban Farming is gaining
popularity at an exponential rate.
3The concept of urban agriculture has been getting
a lot of strength. Many food justice advocates,
community groups, individuals, city planners,
environmentalists and gardeners are vouching for
this concept and making people aware about the
significance of this concept.
4Although, the concept of growing vegetables or
fruits in the cities is not new, but the way it
should be done has made it quite popular. Urban
farming is usually carried out in heavily
populated municipality or town.
5This concept has no similarity whatsoever with
community gardening or subsistence gardening. In
urban farming, the element of commerce also
becomes its major part.
6The vegetables or fruits that are grown in the
towns and municipalities are not used for
personal consumption rather they are sold in the
market for money. For Urban Farming, having a
huge land is not necessary.
7This concept can be opted by any one, an
individual, a non profit organization etc are
using this concept for an excellent yield and
earning money.
8These vegetables or fruits can also be sold
directly to the hotels or restaurants and an
excellent earning can be assured. With the help
of urban farming concept, the city dwellers are
also able to gain access to fresh produce without
depending on rural markets.
9Consumers can directly get fresh vegetables and
fruits from the producers. Thus, this produce is
not only fresh and seasonal, high quality but is
available at cost effective rates.
10Contact us
- Contact Name Brian Donnelly
- Phone (352) 620-8444
- Address 7337 West Anthony Road, Ocala, Florida
34479 - Email sunstateorganics_at_aol.com
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