Title: Frequently asked questions about SAP – Part 1
- Have you outgrown your home office?
- 6 signs that say yes
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2Home offices for freelancers are what Silicon
Valley garages used to be for tech companies
twenty years ago. Theyre definitely a viable
place to start, save you a lot of costs with
little to no drawbacks at the beginning. But for
most freelancers, home offices are only useful up
to a certain point in their career. Are your own
four walls really not enough any more? If most of
the following six points apply to you, the time
has likely come to step out of the home office...
31. The space is just not enough
At the beginning, having 10m² as an office didnt
seem that bad. But now youve bought some extra
tech, order stuff frequently and absolutely need
a bigger desk. If thats a fitting description of
your work environment, the home office is
probably not cutting it anymore. Theres only so
much clutter that you can patiently ignore until
it starts to get on your nerves and affect your
42. Separating home and work is getting hard
Careers grow, but so do lives. Maybe you dont
live alone anymore and have pets or kids walking
around the house. Or maybe you just cant resist
laying down on that couch as the fervor of the
first years of freelancing is dissipating.
Changing up your work environment can do wonders
for your motivation. It also helps you avoid
distractions that eat into your working hours
which never seem to be enough as is.
53. You have several employees
If your freelancing career has gotten to the
point where multiple people are now working for
you, managing them might be getting difficult.
Daily online video meetings sound good in theory.
In practice, they are rarely as productive as a
good old-fashioned physical get-together. Having
everyone in one place will not only speed up the
workflow. It might also be beneficial to employee
morale and job satisfaction.
64. Your network isnt expanding
Meeting new professionals with whom you can
exchange ideas and experiences can be difficult
when you are spending all your working hours at
home. More and more freelancers are looking
towards co-working spaces for that exact reason.
A coffee break at the office is often place where
project ideas and professional relationships
75. Clients want to meet up in person
For freelancers with local focus, meetings can be
a regular occurrence. But the client doesnt
always invite you into his office, sometimes its
the other way around. Virtually every home
office, however, is created with one person in
mind. So not really the perfect place for
meetings. In case you have to meet up with
clients often and dont want to do it in your
kitchen, youve outgrown your home office.
86. You miss the sun
Waking up and getting to the office doesnt only
have negative sides. It also helps you with two
important things. Thing number one creating a
reliable schedule. If you know that you only have
to walk from the bed to the desk, spending
another hour in bed is very tempting. Number two
going out. Especially when there is a lot of
work, getting some fresh air and being around
other people will help you relax and concentrate.
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