Title: Buffalo River
1Ozark Rentals offers luxury cabins of all sizes
to suit any traveler. We have fully furnished
kitchens if you wish to stay in and cook and sit
on the deck while you eat and enjoy the amazing
natural beauty of the Ozark Mountains and the
Buffalo River Views.
2Area Attractions
Hiking Trails
Newton County has some of the most splendid
hiking trails you have ever been on. Hiking is a
year round event here and in each season you will
find many different things to see.
3Rock Climbing
Whether you have always wanted to try climbing or
you have never thought about it before arriving
at the ranch, it is one activity you dont want
to miss.
4Hillary Jones Wildlife Museum Elk
Visit us in Jasper, Arkansas to learn more about
elk and other wildlife. Exhibits and video
presentations will give you an up-close look at
many of our Ozark natives.
5Ponca Elk Education Center
This subspecies disappeared from our state after
1840 and for almost one hundred years, a bugling
elk could not be heard throughout the hills of
6Mystic Caverns
Mystic Caverns and Crystal Dome Caverns, located
in the heart of the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas.
7Rock Climb Sams Throne
These large number of features makes Sams Throne
and the surrounding areas an excellent place for
beginners. Most routes are in the 5.7 to 5.10
range and are easily top roped.
Ozark Rentals 109 E Court St Jasper, AR
72641 Phone 1-870-446-8355 Email info_at_ozarkrent
als.com Website http//ozarkrentals.com/