HCA 240 MART Teaching Effectively/hca240mart.com - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HCA 240 MART Teaching Effectively/hca240mart.com


HCA 240 Assignment: Blood Disorders HCA 240 Exercise: Name That Pathogen HCA 240 CheckPoint: Nervous System Diseases HCA 240 CheckPoint: Nutrition and the Food Pyramid HCA 240 CheckPoint 2: Radio Ad HCA 240 WEEK 1 Discussion Question 1 HCA 240 WEEK 1 Discussion Question 2 HCA 240 WEEK 3 Discussion Question 1 HCA 240 WEEK 3 Discussion Question 2 HCA 240 WEEK 5 Discussion Question 1 HCA 240 WEEK 5 Discussion Question 2 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: HCA 240 MART Teaching Effectively/hca240mart.com

HCA 240 MART Teaching Effectively/hca240mart.com
  • www.hca240mart.com

HCA 240 Entire Course (2 Sets)
  • HCA 240 Assignment Blood Disorders
  • HCA 240 Exercise Name That Pathogen
  • HCA 240 CheckPoint Nervous System Diseases
  • HCA 240 CheckPoint Nutrition and the Food
  • HCA 240 CheckPoint 2 Radio Ad
  • HCA 240 WEEK 1 Discussion Question 1
  • HCA 240 WEEK 1 Discussion Question 2
  • HCA 240 WEEK 3 Discussion Question 1
  • HCA 240 WEEK 3 Discussion Question 2
  • HCA 240 WEEK 5 Discussion Question 1

HCA 240 Week 1 CheckPoint Nutrition and the Food
Pyramid (2 Sets)
  • Resources Appendix B, the My Pyramid Plan
    calculator Web site at
  • http//www.mypyramid.gov/mypyramid/index.aspx,
    and the U.S Department of
  • Agriculture Dietary Supplements Web site
  • Due Date Day 5 post to the Individual forum
  • Use Appendix B to identify patterns in
    nutrition essentials from birth through old age
  • Part A. Describe health consequences when
    nutrition requirements are not met in Part B.
  • Post Appendix B as an attachment.

HCA 240 Week 1 DQ 1(2 Sets)
  • Each year in the United States, almost 100
    billion dollars are spent on health issues
  • to obesity, and about 300,000 people die of
    conditions related to obesity (Mulvihill et al.,
  • 2006).
  • Resource Why Weight Matters video
  • Due Date Day 2 post to the Main forum
  • Watch the Why Weight Matters video listed on
    this weeks Electronic Reserve Reading
  • page by clicking the orange WATCH VIDEO button.
  • Post your response to the following As you

HCA 240 Week 1 DQ 2(2 Sets)
  • Resource healthfinder Web site at
  • Due Date Day 4 post to the Main forum
  • Select a genetic disorder from the list below.
  • o Huntingtons disease
  • HCA 240 Health and Diseases
  • Course Syllabus Page 12
  • o Achondroplasia
  • o Cystic fibrosis
  • o Sickle cell anemia
  • o Phenylketonuria
  • o Down syndrome
  • Navigate to the healthfinder Web site.

HCA 240 Week 2 Assignment HIV AIDS An Overview (2
  • HCA 240 Health and Diseases
  • Course Syllabus Page 14
  • Fourteen percent of the population in Nairobi,
    Kenya is infected with the HIV virus. The rate is
  • even higher in the Kenyan military at 20.
    (Mulvihill et al., 2006)
  • Resource Ch. 2 of Human Diseases
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
  • Compose a 1,300- to 1,450-word paper in APA
    format that provides an overview of

HCA 240 Week 2 CheckPoint 1 Functions of Immunity
(2 Sets)
  • Resources Appendix C and the Inflammatory
    Response multimedia activity located on
  • aXcess at http//corptrain.phoenix.edu/axia/hca240
  • Due Date Day 3 Individual forum
  • Open both Appendix C and the Inflammatory
    Response multimedia activity at the same
  • time.
  • Complete the Inflammatory Response activity
    first do not close the activity. You are
  • required to enter information from the completed
    activity into Appendix C.

HCA 240 Week 2 CheckPoint 2 Cancer Patient
Information Sheet (2 Sets)
  • Resources American Cancer Society (ACS) Web site
    at http//www.cancer.org and the
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI) Web site at
  • Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
  • Create a patient information sheet for a type
    of cancer of your choice, using either
  • Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Refer to the
    American Cancer Society and the National
  • Cancer Institute Web sites for information on
    your selected form of cancer.

HCA 240 Week 3 CheckPoint Cardiovascular Disease
Interview (2 Sets)
  • Resources Appendix D, and the What is Congestive
    Heart Failure? and Can
  • Cardiovascular Disease be Prevented? videos
  • Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
  • Watch the What is Congestive Heart Failure? and
    Can Cardiovascular Disease be
  • Prevented? videos listed on this weeks
    Electronic Reserve Reading page by clicking the
  • orange WATCH VIDEO button.
  • Complete Appendix D.
  • Post Appendix D as an attachment

HCA 240 Week 3 DQ 1(2 Sets)
  • In 1964, 44 of the American population smoked.
    By 2002, the percentage of Americans that
  • smoke had been cut in half (Mulvihill et al.,
    2006). Many states have banned smoking in
  • public buildings, and some states have either
    banned or are considering a ban on smoking in
  • a car when young children are present.
  • Resource Smoking and COPD Some Common
    Questions article
  • Due Date Day 2 Main forum

HCA 240 Week 3 DQ 2(2 Sets)
  • Resources p.164 of Human Diseases and the Asthma
    101 video
  • Due Date Day 4 Main forum
  • Watch the Asthma 101 video listed on this
    weeks Electronic Reserve Reading page by
  • clicking the orange WATCH VIDEO button.
  • Post your response to the following Answer
    question 3 under Cases for Critical
  • Thinking on p.164 of the text. As you read
    others posts, state whether you agree or
  • disagree with their answers and explain why.
    Share stories of famous people or people
  • you know personally to help illustrate your

HCA 240 Week 4 Assignment Blood Disorders (2 Sets)
  • Resources Ch. 8 of Human Diseases, the WebMD
    Web site at http//www.webmd.com,
  • and the drkoop Web site at http//www.drkoop.com
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
  • Read each of the following three scenarios
  • o Amy, a 4-year-old Caucasian female, has been
    complaining of being tired all the
  • time. She is pale and a picky eater. Her mother
    is a single mom with a small budget
  • to feed a large family. Amy only eats pasta,
    breads, and hot dogs, and drinks only

HCA 240 Week 4 CheckPoint 1 Blood Bank Supervisor
(2 Sets)
  • Resources Ch. 8 of Human Diseases and the
    glossary located on the text companion
  • Web site at http//wps.prenhall.com/chet_mulvihill
  • Due Date Day 3 Individual forum
  • Refer to Ch. 8 of the text and navigate to the
    glossary on the text companion Web site by
  • selecting any chapter, then selecting Audio
    Glossary on the left side of the page. Use
  • both resources to research your answer.
  • Post your response to the following You are
    the supervisor for the Axia College Blood

HCA 240 Week 5 CheckPoint Diagnosis and Treatment
(2 Sets)
  • Resource WebMD Web site at http//www.webmd.com
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
  • Navigate to the WebMD Web site.
  • Select a digestive disorder discussed in the
    Main forum for this weeks Discussion
  • Question 2. Choose a discussion in which you did
    not participate.
  • HCA 240 Health and Diseases
  • Course Syllabus Page 20
  • Post your 250- to 300-word response to the
  • o Describe the medical equipment and procedures
    involved in

HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 1(2 Sets)
  • Due Date Day 2 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following Select and
    identify a disease in Ch. 10 that can be
  • prevented or controlled by changes in lifestyle
    rather than by medications or therapy.
  • What lifestyle changes can individuals implement
    to prevent or control the disease? What
  • factors would make the lifestyle changes
    difficult to accomplish? Propose strategies to
  • overcome those factors. Finally, which would you
    chooselifestyle change or

HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 2(2 Sets)
  • Due Date Day 4 Main forum
  • Post your responses to Part A and Part B
  • o Part A Post as patients. Select any digestive
    disorder of your choice covered in Ch.
  • 10. What would it be like if you were a patient
    suffering from the disease? What
  • symptoms would you be describing to your doctor
    during an office visit? Post your
  • answers as if you were a patient. Offer enough
    information for doctors to narrow
  • down your condition to one or two disorders, but
    be vague enough to sound like a

HCA 240 Week 6 Assignment High School STD
Presentation (2 Sets)
  • Teenagers and young adults ages 15-24 account for
    48 of sexually transmitted diseases
  • (STDs) diagnosed (Mulvihill et al., 2006).
    Education is one of the weapons that can be used
  • to combat the spread of STDs.
  • Resource Appendix E
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
  • Use a minimum of three sources other than the
  • Refer to Appendix E for directions and tips on
    building a Microsoft PowerPoint

HCA 240 Week 6 CheckPoint Kidney Failure (2 Sets)
  • Resource Ch. 11 of Human Diseases
  • Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
  • Answer questions 1-8 below. In each scenario,
    the patient is experiencing renal failure.
  • Scenario A Acute renal failure. Ms. Jones, a
    68-year-old female, underwent openheart
  • surgery to replace several blocked vessels in her
    heart. On her first day
  • postoperatively, it was noted that she had very
    little urine output.
  • 1. What is happening to Ms. Joness kidneys, and
    why is it causing the observed

HCA 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Type I and Type II
Diabetes (2 Sets)
  • According to the ADA Web site, 7 of the U.S.
    population has diabetes, and 30 of those
  • with diabetes do not even know they have the
    disease. Maintaining proper levels of insulin is
  • HCA 240 Health and Diseases
  • Course Syllabus Page 24
  • critical for diabetes patients. The means by
    which insulin can be regulated depends upon
  • which type of diabetes a patient has.

HCA 240 Week 7 DQ 1(2 Sets)
  • Due Date Day 2 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following Describe
    an example of abnormal endocrine
  • function by selecting a gland, a hormone it is
    supposed to release, and how the target
  • organs are affected when that specific endocrine
    process does not function properly.
  • How would you explain the process to a younger
    patient? Offer at least one analogy and

HCA 240 Week 7 DQ 2(2 Sets)
  • Did you know that 57 of diabetics must check
    their blood sugar level every day, and 20 of
  • diabetics that require medication dont take it
    because they cant afford it (Mulvihill et al.,
  • 2006)?
  • Resource Diabetes statistics on the American
    Diabetics Association (ADA) Web site at
  • http//www.diabetes.org/diabetes-statistics.jsp
  • Due Date Day 4 Main forum
  • Visit the ADA Web site and review diabetes

HCA 240 Week 8 Assignment Mental Illness Paper (2
  • Resources University Library and Table 15-3 on
    p. 325 of Human Diseases
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
  • Select a form of mental illness from the
    following list
  • o ADHD
  • o Anxiety disorder (select only one) panic
    disorder, general anxiety disorder (GAD),
  • any phobic disorder, obsessive-compulsive
    disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress
  • disorder (PTSD)

HCA 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Nervous System Diseases
(2 Sets)
  • Resource Appendix G
  • Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
  • Read the case studies in Appendix G.
  • Identify the nervous system disease the
    patients in each case are suffering from.
  • Outline the causes, effects, and treatment of
    the diseases by answering the questions in
  • Appendix G.
  • Post Appendix G as an attachment

HCA 240 week 9 Capstone DQ (2 Sets)
  • Imagine the changes a head nurse that has worked
    at the same hospital over the last 45
  • years has seen. From advances in organ
    transplants to the HIV/AIDS crisis, the health
  • delivery industry must continually re-invent
    itself in order to provide effective service to
  • patients.
  • Due Date Day 3 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following How do
    disease trends impact the delivery of health
  • care services, such as treatment options and
    resources available to the public?

HCA 240 Week 9 Final Project My Proposal for a
New System (2 Sets)
  • Current disease trends in America include
    dramatic increases in obesity, cardiovascular
  • diseases, diabetes, strokes, and other age- and
    lifestyle-related conditions. This suggests
  • needs for community organizations to provide
    education and exercise programs for all ages
  • for employers to provide incentives for
    participation in health maintenance and wellness
  • programs, gyms and exercise programs and for
    hospitals to provide adequate follow-up
  • instruction after discharge.

(No Transcript)
HCA 240 MART Teaching Effectively/hca240mart.com
  • www.hca240mart.com
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