BUS 620 Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BUS 620 Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom


For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com BUS 620 Week 1 DQ 1 What is Marketing (Ash Course) BUS 620 Week 1 DQ 2 Marketing Strategies (Ash Course) BUS 620 Week 1 The Future of the New York Times (Ash Course) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: BUS 620 Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom

BUS 620 Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom
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BUS 620 Entire Course (Ash Course)
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  • BUS 620 Week 1 DQ 1 What is Marketing (Ash
  • BUS 620 Week 1 DQ 2 Marketing Strategies (Ash
  • BUS 620 Week 1 The Future of the New York Times
    (Ash Course)
  • BUS 620 Week 2 DQ 1 Buyer Behavior (Ash Course)
  • BUS 620 Week 2 DQ 2 Customer Needs (Ash Course)
  • BUS 620 Week 2 Industry Forecasting (Ash Course)
  • BUS 620 Week 3 DQ 1 Braining Nordstrom (Ash
  • BUS 620 Week 3 DQ 2 Marketing Segmentation (Ash
  • BUS 620 Week 3 The Case of the New Apple, Inc.
    (Ash Course)
  • BUS 620 Week 4 Ad Compaign - Article Review (Ash
  • BUS 620 Week 4 DQ 1 The Role of Pricing (Ash
  • BUS 620 Week 4 DQ 2 Product Development Process
    (Ash Course)

BUS 620 Final Marketing Plan
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  • BUS 620 Final Marketing Plan

BUS 620 Industry Forecasting
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  • BUS 620 Industry Forecasting

BUS 620 Promotion
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  • BUS 620 Promotion

BUS 620 Retail Business Analysis
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  • BUS 620 Retail Business Analysis

BUS 620 Space and Place
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  • BUS 620 Space and Place

BUS 620 The Exchange Relationship
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  • BUS 620 The Exchange Relationship

BUS 620 Week 1 DQ 1 What is Marketing
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  • What is Marketing? Marketing has often been
    defined in terms of satisfying customers needs
    and wants. Critics, however, maintain that
    marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and
    wants that did not exist before. They feel
    marketers encourage consumers to spend more money
    than they should on goods and services they do
    not really need. What is your understanding of
    the role of marketing and the marketing
    management process?

BUS 620 Week 1 DQ 2 Marketing Strategies
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  • Marketing Strategies. Complete the Think About
    It activity in Section 1.2 of the text
  • Select a consumer product of personal
    interestone that you have purchased within the
    past six months. It can be anything, just as long
    you are familiar with the product and generally
    understand how it is marketed. Using the matrix
    model of marketing management in Table 1.2, fill
    in the cells of the matrix as completely and
    thoroughly as you can for the brand that you
    purchased. Be sure that your entries correspond
    to your perspective as a customer for this brand.
    In short, you are the target market. You may wish
    to create one or more positioning maps to help
    illustrate how you perceive the competitive
    playing field. Once youre done, examine the
    intersection of each cell.

BUS 620 Week 1 The Future of the New York Times
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  • Read the article The Future of the New York
    Times, BusinessWeek, January 17, 2005, 64-72
    (Also Posted in the Announcement page).
  • Readership through circulation and news quality
    are key ingredients to profitability in the
    newspaper business industry. In a 2-3 page paper,
    examine what Arthur Sulzberger can do to revive
    the failing newspaper whose financial
    performance is lagging . Can New York Times,
    with its journalistic pride compete with the
    digital media and still deliver the best news?

BUS 620 Week 2 DQ 1 Buyer Behavior
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  • Buyer Behavior. The typical buying process
    consists of the following sequence of events
    problem recognition, information search,
    evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision,
    and post purchase behavior. What specifically do
    you do as a consumer in each of these stages in a
    high involvement purchase like buying a house or
    a car? List the four main psychological processes
    as discussed in the text and what should
    marketers do to manage these four psychological
    processes affecting consumer behavior?

BUS 620 Week 2 DQ 2 Customer Needs
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  • Customer Needs. Visit GE Healthcare
    (www.gehealthcare.com/). In context to the major
    points of chapter 5, define how GE is addressing
    the needs of their hospital customers by the
    design of this Web site? Where and what is GE
    doing right, what is GE doing wrong, and where
    can GE improve using marketing research? In
    context of chapter 3, where can GE improve using
    marketing research?

BUS 620 Week 2 Industry Forecasting
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  • Industry Forecasting. Identify an industry of
    choice (Auto Industry, Healthcare, PC or
    Telecommunications). Using the PESTEL analysis
    from the readings, discuss and analyze the
    factors that may impact the industry and the
    successful marketing of a companys product, for
    example Ford Motor Company over the next five
    years. Which factors are perceived to be the
    biggest weaknesses of the industry? Which factors
    play to the industrys strengths? What are some
    opportunities for growth that could be
    capitalized upon over the next five years?
  • Develop a three to four-page paper in the correct
    APA writing style. Include a minimum of 2-4
    resources 1 resource must be peer reviewed.

BUS 620 Week 3 DQ 1 Braining Nordstrom
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  • Branding Nordstrom. After reading the article
    Conservative Nordstrom to sell trendy Topshop
    fashions, respond to the following
  • How does this partnership fit into Nordstroms
    current brand management strategy? Will it appeal
    to its target markets? How will it allow
    Nordstrom to differentiate itself from the
  • Is this a risky move for Nordstrom considering
    the downward sales trends for Topshop in the UK? 

BUS 620 Week 3 DQ 2 Marketing Segmentation
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  • Marketing Segmentation. What are the different
    levels of market segmentation? Synthesize the
    segmentation strategies that manufacturers of
    personal computers should implement to attract
    both the Gen Y and baby boomer generation to
    increase their purchases of computers. Are there
    some examples of companies that have already done
    a good job of marketing across generations?
    Respond to at least two of your fellow students. 

BUS 620 Week 3 The Case of the New Apple, Inc.
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  • The Case of the New Apple, Inc. Read the article
  • Burrows, P., Satariano, A. (2012). Can Phil
    Schiller keep Apple cool? Bloomberg Businessweek.
    Retrieved from http//www.businessweek.com/article
  • Assignment Instructions
  • Develop a two- to three-page paper that addresses
    the following

BUS 620 Week 4 Ad Compaign - Article Review
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  • Ad Campaign. Review the article
  • Stanford, D. (2012). Mountain Dew wants some
    street cred. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved
    from EBSCOHost.
  • In a 2-3 page paper, answer the following
  • Is Mountain Dews advertising campaign directed
    at the right market segment, does it
    differentiate the product from the competition,
    and does it communicate effectively the product
    benefits? Explain your answer.
  • Provide a proposed redesign of the campaign that
    could have a more universal appeal. What
    communication channels should be focused on? Why?

BUS 620 Week 4 DQ 1 The Role of Pricing
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  • The Role of Pricing. Review the article
  • Mohammed, R. (2012). J.C. Penneys risky new
    pricing strategy. Harvard Business Review.
  • Is your own buying behavior influenced by coupons
    and sales?
  • Why do you think J.C. Penneys pricing strategy
    has not been successful as compared to other low
    price proponents like Walmart?
  • Will Ron Johnsons four-year plan be successful
    over the long-term? Why or why not?

BUS 620 Week 4 DQ 2 Product Development Process
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  • Product Development Process. Do an internet
    search of the new product development process of
    any product of your choice, and analyze the
    process for developing the product. Review the
    reasons why new products fail and make two
    specific recommendations to improve the high
    failure rate of new products.
  • Guided Response What lessons do you draw about
    the importance of using a concurrent rather than
    a sequential approach in the product development
    process? What impact does the effective
    management of the product life cycle have on the
    market success of a new product?

BUS 620 Week 5 DQ 1 Marketing Channels
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  • Marketing Channels. Analyze the challenges that
    organizations face in the effective transition
    between selling products using the traditional
    brick and mortar marketing channel and selling
    products online. Synthesize the strategies that
    organizations like Zara and Wal-Mart- two
    companies that are having difficulty developing
    eCommerce capability can implement to increase
    the effortless movement of customers between the
    traditional and online channels.
  • What are the benefits and limitations of selling
    through a store front and online?

BUS 620 Week 5 DQ 2 Going Global
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  • Going Global. Identify the strategies for
    entering into the global market. Assess the
    strengths and limitations of each. Give an
    example of a company that has made a success of
    doing business in the global economy. What
    lessons from McDonalds success in the global
    marketplace are transferable across industries?

BUS 620 Week 5 Marketing in a Global Economy
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  • Marketing in a Global Economy. Review the
    following article
  • Faris, S. (2012). Grounds zero A Starbucks-free
    Italy. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from
  • According to the article, Italy poses a
    reputational risk for Starbucks. In a 2-3 page
    paper, examine some of the challenges Starbucks
    faces in addressing that risk. Determine whether
    there is a strategic advantage to entering the
    Italian market. How should competitors marketing
    strategies inform and influence Starbucks entry
    into this new market? Should it even enter Italy
    at all?

BUS 620 Week 6 DQ 1 Proctor Gamble in Vietnam
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  • Proctor Gamble in Vietnam. Review the article
  • Coleman-Lochner, L. (2012). PG plays
    kindergarten catch-up with Unilever in
    Vietnam. Bloomberg. Retrieved from
  • Discuss the marketing plan insights PG has
    gained through its Vietnamese marketing studies.
    How influential are those discoveries in the
    development of PG's strategy to enter the
    Vietnamese market?

BUS 620 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Plan
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  • Creating a Plan. Provide a brief overview of the
    product for which you are going to write your
    Marketing Plan. Why did you choose it? Which
    elements of the plan are you having difficulty
    with? What additional information would be needed
    to make the most informed strategic decisions for
    the future implementation of your plan?
  • Guided Response Provide suggestions to at least
    one of your classmates on how they may be able to
    address some of the elements they are struggling
    with in their plan. In particular, try to focus
    your feedback on any classmates that are
    introducing a product in the same, or similar,
    industry as your own.

BUS 620 Week 6 Final Paper
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  • Develop a marketing plan for the successful
    development, commercialization and introduction
    of any product of your choice in the market
    place. You are required to (1) analyze the
    general business situation in detail, including
    organizational strengths and weaknesses,
    environmental opportunities and threats, industry
    trends, and direct and indirect competition.
    Based upon your situation analysis, you will (2)
    develop an organizational mission and forecast
    performance goals. Based upon your objectives,
    you will (3) create a marketing strategy. Based
    upon your strategy, you will (a) segment and
    target potential customers. Based upon your
    customer targets, you will (b) choose an
    appropriate and integrated marketing mix,
    including products and services, pricing,
    promotion and advertising, distribution and
    location, and other elements of the marketing
    program the summary and specific
    recommendations for the execution of the plan.

BUS 620 Read, Lead, Succeed/Uophelpdotcom
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • www.uophelp.com
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