Title: Join Lama Surya Das – Recognizing our collective interdependence.
1Join Lama Surya Das Recognizing our collective
- Buddhist thought and practice has always
emphasized nonviolence, especially protecting and
cherishing of all forms of life. This is based on
the interwoven interdependence of all thingsall
of us, and all creatures great and small. Today
we celebrate Earth Day, and I ask you What may
inspire, motivate and sustain your feelings of
connection and universal responsibility,
intentional altruistic actions, and the
recognition that we must move from me to we if we
are to survive and flourish on this endangered
planet?I find it by going mindfully outside,
interbeing with the beauty and richness of
nature, and observing directly the inseparable
unity of doing and being in moments of
inter-meditation, co-meditating with water, sky,
wind and trees and thru the inseparable unity of
contemplation and action, faith and deeds, on the
path of awakened living.
2Recognizing our interconnectedness and collective
interdependence allows us to appreciate, respect
and accept our undeniable responsibility to
protect all the flora and fauna of this earth,
and all the habitats, oceans and rivers too.
Unfortunately, we seem unable to recognize the
interdependence of all.A sage said The light
by which we see is the one by which we are seen.
You can see this at many levels, human and
divine. We do need genuine change and
transformation, each and all of us. And our
broken social systems also need transformation. I
know now that we cant just ask what needs
changing without sincerely striving to know and
transform ourselves. The future begins now,
starting with one step. Its time to open our
wisdom eye and good heart, and grok this world,
clear and open. Considering trends, problems,
challenges and opportunities we face, I believe
we must ask ourselves and each other What can
we do to contribute to a better world and planet?
3What can we do individually and collectively
toward alleviating suffering and edifying and
awakening the world through our noble-hearted and
compassionate, all-inclusive bodhichitta (innate
enlightened mind), thru love in action, for the
benefit of one and all? As a tantric Tibetan
song of enlightenment goesThe whole universe
is my body, all beings my heart mind.With
Love and blessings,Lama Surya Das Article
Source https//lamasuryadasmarried.wordpress.com