Title: Children’S Primary Care Medical Group In San Diego
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2Peace of mind for parents from the largest
Childrens Primary Care Medical Group in San
Diego and southern Riverside counties.
3From the moment you touch their tiny toes to the
day they graduate high school, you want the very
best health care for your child. Thats why over
100,000 families have turned to CPCMG to find the
best San Diego pediatricians for their children.
4If your child needs hospital, emergency, or
urgent care, it is important that he be treated
in a facility that is 100 percent dedicated to
5We are open after-hours at our primary care
locations in five regions throughout San Diego
and Southern Riverside counties.
6We also help keep you informed on important
medical issues for children.
7It is the only pediatric hospital in San Diego
County and has been named as one of the top
childrens hospitals in the United States.
8Contact us Phone (858) 502-1177 Visit