Title: How behavioural profiling can transform your team
Topic How behavioural profiling can transform
your team
June 2016
2- A fully functional, cohesive and productive team
is a major contributor to business success - Â
- An approach that will build the foundations for
your effective team is - Behavioural Profiling
- This approach will lead to
- improved morale
- increased productivity
- reduced staffing expenses
- enhanced quality of team work
- peak performance levels
- Lets dive into it
- Â Â
3Behavioural Profiling  is all about greater
understanding greater understanding of
yourself greater understanding of your
staff greater understanding of how your team
can work more effectively as a unit greater
understanding of what else you may need in your
4Benefits of Behavioural Profiling  - Stretches
across all parts of the business - Recruitment
of staff - Builds emotional and social
intelligence - Ability to give and receive
robust feedback - Ability to identify what
creates an effective team within your own
workplace culture
5- Â Belbin Behavioural Profiling
- One of the best models used today for
behavioural profiling is Belbin - It is scientifically robust and made for our
lean and agile world - It is a simple yet very clear explanation of
what a persons strengths are within a team and
what others within the team value in that person - Its an incredibly effective tool for
identifying who you need on which team to get a
specific outcome in the fastest possible time
frame and with the right amount of people
6- Profiling Workshop
- Â
- Will equip people with the knowledge on how to
maximise everyones strengths for an effective
team - Will identify how various behavioural styles are
represented in an individual and where the
strengths and gaps of the team lie - Will unveil which of your own behavioural
patterns are effective in the type of work you
do, and equally, which of your patterns may
hinder effectiveness - Will boost people management capabilities and
staff retention initiatives - Â
7- You will understand
- Â
- What motivates and excites people at work
- How people are most likely to behave in various
situations - How to adapt your behaviour according to the
situation and business need - How to allocate the right work to the right
people maximising performance - How your people prefer to communicate and deal
with conflict - How you are likely to adapt or react to change
- What style of work is best for you in your career
development or business - Your strengths and your colleagues or staffs
strengths - Behavioural strengths and weaknesses in job
interviews - What additional team building activities would be
beneficial for your business
8- Knowledge is power
- Gaining this greater knowledge and understanding
will go a long way in building a powerful team! - And remember
- Profiling doesnt judge, it enlightens
- No profile is good or bad, right or wrong
- Its purely about fit for a role in a team
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