Title: Alcoholic rub in hand disinfectant
2NuRub Alcoholic Rub-in Hand Disinfectant
- Special Features
- Contains skin protectors and is non-toxic
- Recommended for hygienic hand disinfection
- Behaves like a chemical glove
- Total protection even in perforated gloves
- No Stickiness
- Superior Fragrance
3NuRub Alcoholic Rub-in Hand Disinfectant
Product Information Composition - Isopropyl
Alcohol IP45gm, N-Propanol 30gm Ethyl-hexadecy
l-dimethyl ammonium-ethylsulphate
0.2gm. Labeling - Shall comply with the
corresponding labeling specification and
customer requirement. Shelf Life - 3 years
from the date of manufacture. Storage condition
- Shall be stored in cool dry place and away
from direct light, away from acids, oxidizing
agents heat.
4NuRub Alcoholic Rub-in Hand Disinfectant
Packaging Detail
Packing Unit Per Carton
100ml with flip-ton cap 100 Nos
500ml with pump 20 Nos
1 Liter 10 Nos
5 Liter 2 Nos
Usage Dilution To be used without water or Towel
Hygienic Hand Disinfection 2-3 ml
Surgical Hand Disinfection 8-10 ml
5NuRub Alcoholic Rub-in Hand Disinfectant
Activity Time
Hygienic Hand Disinfection 30 Seconds
Surgical Hand Disinfection 10 Minutes
Antimicrobial Activity
Bacteria Yes
Fungus Yes
Virus Yes
TB Yes
Spores No
6Contact Us
B4/5 Byculla Service Industries Premises, Sussex
Road, D.K.Marg, Byculla , Mumbai 400 027,
INDIA. Tel 91-22-2374 8371 / 2374 8372 / 2374
8373 Fax 91-22-2374 8370 Email