Title: Eczema in toddler
1Monkey Balm has worked well for my family and
patients. I recommend things that work and i
recommend it."
For more details, visit to http//monkeybalm.com/
2Traditional Uses of Sea Buckthorn
The first written documentation of sea buckthorn
dates as early as 13 centuries ago in a Tibetan
book of healing arts called Sibu Yi Dian. 13
chapters in this holy text are devoted to the
medicinal, healing uses of the sea buckthorn
fruit, leaves, and even its bark.Â
For more details, visit to http//monkeybalm.com/
3Sea Buckthorns Secret Power Omega 7
Weve all heard the important and amazing
benefits of Omega fatty acids. Sea Buckthorn
contains Omega 3, 6, and 9. But it is also
Earths most abundant source of the rare Omega 7
(palmitoleic acid). Omega 7 is a key building
block to healthy human skin. It works both from
the inside out AND the outside in.
For more details, visit to http//monkeybalm.com/
4Email info_at_monkeybalm.com
For more details, visit to http//monkeybalm.com/