Stages Of Pregnancy Month By Month - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stages Of Pregnancy Month By Month


So you just found out you are expecting a baby! Your body will undergo a lot of changes: the miracle of a new life is taking place inside of you, and your body is preparing for it. But how does it happen? How is it that a simple tiny ovule becomes a baby? How does this perfect natural process take place? Keep reading and find out how your child is developing inside of you! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Stages Of Pregnancy Month By Month

Stages Of Pregnancy Month By Month
So you just found out you are expecting a baby!
Your body will undergo a lot of changes the
miracle of a new life is taking place inside of
you, and your body is preparing for it. But how
does it happen? How is it that a simple tiny
ovule becomes a baby? How does this perfect
natural process take place? Keep reading and find
out how your child is developing inside of you!  
Pregnancy takes about 40 weeks, and it is divided
into three trimesters, each one lasting around 13
weeks. Nine months, nine full moons. Lets see
what happens during each month
Month 1
The fertilized ovule started to divide before you
realize. You will probably notice that your
menstrual period hasnt arrived on time, so you
will have a pregnancy test done. Some women begin
experiencing the first symptoms, such as morning
nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. However, the
uterus is not wide enough yet to be noticed on
your belly. The embryo is smaller than a lentil
at the end of the first month. However, the
neuronal tube starts to form. At the end of the
first month, the heart is already beating
Month 2
Pregnancy symptoms are intensifying, and the
uterus begins to expand. The embryo is now called
a fetus and starts receiving the nutrients from
the placenta. At the end of the second month,
your baby will already have eyelids and upper
lip. The future arms and legs can be identified,
and the body of your baby is now getting longer.
Your baby is now about 2 cm long.At this stage,
you may be experiencing fatigue and may need to
urinate with frequency. You can also be more
emotionally sensitive.
Month 3
Probably, you can already notice your belly is
showing up. But, although you may be eating more,
that increase is because of your growing uterus!
On the third month, your baby already has hands,
feet and fingers, even nails! All main body
systems and organs are on the stage of
development. And despite the sexual organs are
already formed, it is still very unlikely to
determine the gender. Weighing around 20 grams,
and being about 7 cm long, your baby will now
enter a stage of fast growth!!
Month 4
Now you feel your babys moves! You may be
recovering your sexual desire while although your
waistline started to augment quite noticeably. At
the fourth month, your baby has Lanugo ( the soft
downy hair that covers the tiny body, as well as
vernix, which is a greasy substance that protects
the skin. At the end of this month, you baby
already has fully formed facial features, and can
smile, yawn, and make funny faces. You will
notice the nervous kicks of your baby, and your
baby will recognize your voice
Month 5
Proud mom, you can now brag about your pregnancy
wearing maternity clothes!Now your baby will
start gaining a lot of weight, will be moving a
lot, and an echo will tell you if its a boy or a
girl (if the position allows it, of course). Your
baby may spend time suctioning his little
fingers, which have yet developed fingerprint
Your belly-button may protrude a bit you may
start releasing colostrum (a yellowish fluid that
mammary glands produce before producing
milk).Weighing about 350 grams, and being 20 cm
long, your baby is developing the senses,
particularly touch and taste.
Month 6
Are you having backache, hemorrhoids, leg cramps,
or constipation? Some women do, many dont, but
its completely normal. All the sensory organs
are developed, and the baby starts interacting
and exploring the surroundings of his world. The
child perceives all external stimuli, and the
habits of the mom directly affect him. Avoid
stress your baby will feel it. The small muscles
in the babys chest start practicing movements
similar than the ones we do while breathing, but
the lungs are not fully developed yet since they
are the last vital organs to reach full
development. Your baby is about 24 cm long now
and weighs average 1 kilogram.
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Month 7
If you are experiencing heartburn, it is because
the increase of your uterus is forcing your
stomach and intestines move. Your baby has been
gaining weight and growing, which makes it hard
for him to move and stretch. Now the weights
between 1.5 and 2 kilograms, and gaining
centimeters at a fast pace! The baby eliminates
about half liters of urine into the amniotic
fluid, and in most cases is placing himself with
the head down.
If your baby still didnt dont worry, he is
about to do it soon. Lungs will be soon be fully
developed, although many premature babies born at
the end of the seven-month dont need any
breathing assistance. A suggestion? Get your bags
ready to leave in case your child decides to
anticipate birth!
Month 8
You probably feel fatigue quickly, your uterus
has grown a lot, and made your lungs move up, so
your breathing capacity can be reduced. Your baby
has no much room to move , so you wont feel much
movement inside. All the babys organs are fully
developed, and the lungs are reaching their
complete development. Most babies are now in the
final position, ready to be born!
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Month 9
Final stage! The cervix of the mom begins to
shorten, and the birth canal starts dilating.
Your baby is fully developed now he can blink,
turn his head, react to sounds, light, and touch.
Your baby is ready to see the outside world! Pay
attention to all the signs you will lose the
mucus plug, which can happen a few days before
birth, or even notice a slight bleeding. If you
start having regular contractions, or if your
water brakes, get your stuff and head to the
hospital to welcome your baby!  
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