Title: Tibco iProcess Suite
1Tibco iProcess Suite
2Tibco iProcess Suite
- If you are looking formore detail in iProcess
Servers architecture we can see that its engines
are organized into nodes, where a node is formed
by 1 or N iProcess Engine servers sharing a
database instance. If there is more than one
engine for load balancing or fault tolerance,
its called a node cluster. Engines use Remote
Procedure Calls (RPC) to communicate with the
clients and can be split into four parts - Process Sentinels
- Foreground Processes
- Background Processes
- MBox Set
3Tibco iProcess Suite
Process Sentinels which are responsible for
making sure that the rest of the processes are
running. Foreground Processes processes dealing
with user interaction. Background Processes
processes performing the internal tasks. MBox
Set communication link between background and
foreground processes The Server comes with a
client interface called Objects Server which
provides an API to interact with the engine. It
is available in two flavors Process Objects
(TPO) a thick client implementation API for
COM/C/Java. Server Objects (TSO) a thin
client implementation API for EJB and
.NET. Business Processes executed by the
iProcess Server can interact with external
systems as well using EAI plugins. There are
plug-ins for different systems, including
BusinessWorks, Oracle, Java, SQL Server and
4Tibco iProcess Suite
Unlock a locked iProcess Procedure When you
dont properly close your iProcess procedure you
have a chance of locking the object for further
use.For some strange cosmic reason, this happens
to me a lot. To fix this quickly in a DEV
environment connect to the iProcess database and
search for the following tables, find the record
and delete it. List cases in a Procedure in
TIBCO iProcess Commands to do 1) To List cases
in a process In the command prompt on the server
run 2) To List all outstanding cases per process
plist o PROC gtoutfilePROC.txt 3) To Check
outstanding steps plist -D PROC
gtoutfilePROC.txt 4) Check WIS and system setup
plist -w PROC gtoutfilePROC.txt 5) Check contents
of a queue plist -mWv PROC gtoutfilePROC.txt
5Tibco iProcess Suite
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