Title: Amperisseo Winding Resistance Meter
1Winding resistance meter
2About Amperis
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33-Phase winding resistance meters ATRM 20/3 - 40/3
The ATRM-20/3 and ATRM-40/3 are three phase
transformer winding resistance meters that allow
the user to connect all test cables to the
transformer bushings. The unit will then measure
the transformer resistance value for each of the
phases without the need to disconnect and
reconnect cables for each phase.
4Winding resistance meters ATRM-20/ATRM-40
The ATRM-20 and ATRM-40 are Amperis third
generation transformer winding resistance meters.
The ATRM line is designed specifically to measure
DC resistance values of transformer windings,
rotating machine windings, or any dc resistance
of an inductive device. The ATRM line features
dual resistance-reading input channels that can
measure two winding resistances simultaneously
(primary and secondary windings of a
transformer).Both the ATRM-20 and ATRM-40 can
provide a fast and stable reading of very large
transformers by utilizing a 60Vdc power supply.
The ATRM-20 is capable of outputting a selectable
test current from 1A to 20A while the ATRM-40s
test current is selectable from 1A to 40A.
5Transformer Winding Resistance Meters Load Tap
Changer Analyzer QLTCA-40
The QLTCA-40 is Amperis winding resistance meter
and load tap changer contact analyzer. The
QLTCA-40 is designed to accurately measure the
winding resistance of highly inductive power
transformers. The units triple resistance
reading input channels can measure three winding
resistances simultaneously.Two-wire (Kelvin)
connections provide high accuracy and require no
lead compensation. A special feature of this
device is its ability to measure and graph the
resistance trace of a transformer LTC or voltage
regulator contact during operation. One
resistance input channel is dedicated to this
feature. The QLTCA-40 provides stable resistance
readings of very large transformers by utilizing
a 60 Vdc power supply capable of outputting a
test current up to 40 Amperes.
6Load Tap Changer Analyzer QLTCA-10
The QLTCA-10 is Amperis transformer winding
resistance meter and load tap changer contact
analyzer. The QLTCA-10 is designed to accurately
measure the winding resistance of highly
inductive power transformers. The units triple
resistance-reading input channels can measure
three winding resistances simultaneously.
Two-wire (Kelvin) connections provide high
accuracy and require no lead compensation. A
special feature of this device is its ability to
measure and graph the resistance trace of a
transformer LTC or voltage regulator contact
during operation.
One resistance input channel is dedicated to this
feature. The QLTCA-10 provides stable resistance
readings of very large transformers by utilizing
a 60 Vdc power supply capable of outputting at
test current up to 10 Amperes.
7Winding Resistance Ohmmeter QRM10P
The QRM-10P is designed to accurately measure the
winding resistance of highly inductive power
transformers. The units dual resistance-reading
input channels can measure two winding
resistances simultaneously, and four-wire
(Kelvin) connections provide high accuracy and
require no lead compensation.
The QRM-10P provides stable resistance readings
of very large transformers by utilizing a 36Vdc
power supply capable of outputting up to 10
Amperes. The resistance reading of a 100MVA
transformer can be achieved in 5 minutes or less.
The units power supply is cooled by heavy-duty
fans designed for continuous operation. For
greater flexibility in the field, the QRM-10P
comes with a built-in 2.5-inch wide thermal
printer used for printing test reports.
8Contact Us
Amperis Products S.L. Agricultura 34, 27003 Lugo
Spain T (34) 982 20 99 20 F (34) 982 20 99 11 E
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