Title: Key Notes - Credit Card Application
1Key Notes - Credit Card Application
2- Credit card is one of the reliable most systems
for payment today. Online or offline shopping can
be facilitated with the use of the plastic money
and so is trusted countless shoppers. Banks and
many private companies are involved in
merchandising the business of this kind of
plastic money. Hence if you want to have a card
in your wallet, you should apply for it to one of
the banks or companies of your choice. - However, in the process of application, there are
many things that a person has to follow to apply
for the card systematically. The article points
out some key highlights in this regard to
enlighten you regarding credit card application.
3During the application time, first of all, the
applicants should understand contents of it. That
means, you should read the contents of the
application carefully. Secondly, you should
provide all the information asked in the
application form correctly and aptly.
4- You should understand that many application forms
are rejected on the ground of misinformation
provided by the applicants. Therefore, you should
avoid supplying incorrect information in your
application form. - Once the application form is verified and
approved by the bank, you are allowed to have
preferred card. However the credit limit on your
card is set by the bank followed by determination
of your net income, credit score and other
important factors associated with the card. - Generally the credit limit involves time period
of 25-55 days, depending upon the type of card
and bank you have chosen. If your credit history
is good and impressive, you can also request for
the card with more grace period. Even the banks
consider request of such applicants seriously.
5- Once the card comes in your hand, you don't only
receive a card but also responsibility of on-time
payment of the credit card bills that you might
incur out of the use. If you pay the bills
constantly and regularly within the grace period,
there will be no interest rate on your payment. - However, failure on timely payment breeds reason
for late payment with certain interest rate on
it. Hence, you should maintain a contemplative
care regarding timely payment of the bills to
fend off late payment penalty. - People also go for the credit card with lowest
APR so as to reap maximum benefit and save money
on interest rate. If you encounter such offer
before application, you should make sure whether
the offer is compatible to your needs and
budgetary affordability.
6- In addition, plastic credit comes with a
responsibility of charges. Hence, you should
ensure whether or not your current income can
sustain that charges.
7Source http//www.sooperarticles.com/finance-arti