Title: Plan Your Investments
1Investment Insurance
2Plan Your Investments
3Identifying your goals
You save for future events that you feel are
important to you. You need to be specific while
setting your goals. You may want to save for your
wedding, financing initial payment for home,
financing your car, your child's education,
retirement or any other specific event that you
may think is important. You also need to
priorities them as per there importance, identify
the frequency if any of them are recurring events.
4Time at hand to reach goals
Goals are generally time bound. When you
identify the purpose of investment, time you need
to fulfill that automatically comes into picture.
There would be events that you need to take care
of in next five years for others you may still
have time of 15 to 20 years. There might be
financial requirements that might be recurring
and you may need money at regular intervals. It
is important to know the time you have to grow
your investment to your required corpus. The
amount you invest and the product you may invest
vary as per that. How much you invest depends
upon two factors, time you have and the amount
you need. To reach the same corpus if you have
more time, you can invest smaller amounts
regularly and the time is less you may have to
invest more. Besides this, also consider your
regular expenditures and how you can fit in the
investment amount in it. Most investment products
will allow various payment options like monthly,
quarterly, half yearly and annually.
How much to invest
5Investments insurance plans and their features
Investment insurance plans allow you the benefit
of investments as well as insurance. So, if you
survive the insurance term you get the maturity
amount and if something happens to you during the
term, your dependents are secure and will get the
sum assured as per the policy guidelines. Dependi
ng upon the requirement, time you have and risk
profile, you can choose from various investment
insurance plans available. You can choose between
traditional plans like endowment plans and money
back plans or you can choose to go for Investment
Insurance. Each has features suitable for various
6Risk Factor - Traditional plans allow you the
all-round safety. Whatever you invest is safe and
any risk that there might be is borne by the
insurance company. Amount you get on maturity or
on death is all guaranteed. While in case of
Investment Insurance the risk lies with the
investor. If the market is doing well and you
have invested in a good fund, returns on your
investment may be better than on traditional
plans. If the market is low or your fund is not
doing too well, your investment is at
risk. Flexibility - Traditional plans are fixed
in more ways than one. You cannot stop the policy
in the middle. You will have to carry it on to
the end to be able to get the maximum benefit.
With Investment Insurance there is a fixed
minimum time for which you have to pay. You can
make partial withdrawals in between.
Source http//bit.ly/2cEDwki
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