Title: Fast Improvisation Tools
Improvisation Tools
Written By Daniel Barak
2Preface ..........................................
...................... 4 BASIC
.......... 5 Tool 1 Minor 7 over diatonic
..................... 5 Tool 2 Start to play
arpeggios with the 3rddegree......................
...................... 6 Tool 3 Play parts of
the major scale ..................................
............................... 6 Tool 4 Use the
"Jazzy" sounds6, 9, 3 ............................
.................................... 6 Tool 5 3
note chromatic approach to the 3rd and then 1 and
6 ........................ 6 Tool 6 Use the
"Jazzy" sounds 3, 4, 6 ...........................
.................................... 7 Tool 7
Use the "Jazzy" sounds of a minor 3, 7, 9,
higher octave 3,4 ............ 7 Tool 8 Start to
play arpeggios with the 5th degree
7 Tool 9 Use 2 notes intervals of the diatonic
7 Tool 10 4th degree Dominant 7 arpeggio over a
minor chord .......................... 8 Tool 11
Diminished arpeggio over a minor chord
8 Tool 12 6 to flat 3 and then 3,5, and major 7
. 9 Tool 13 Major scale over a minor
.............. 9 DOMINANT 7 TOOLS
........................................ 10 Tool
1 Minor 6 or 7 over dominant 7 chord
. 10 Tool 2 Minor over dominant 7 chord
........... 11 Tool 3 Diminished over dominant 7
chord ............................................
......... 11 Tool 4 Mixolydian 9b/13b over
dominant 7 chord .................................
....... 11 Tool 5 Play the 7, b5, 9, 6
....................... 12 Tool 6 Play
part/pattern from the whole tone scale
..................................... 12
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