Title: Stretching And Cool Down – mUvmethod – 2
1About mUvmethod mUvmethod is a complete mind body
movement system designed for dancers and athletes
based on yoga, Pilates, fascial health, intuitive
movement and concentration training. It is for
anyone and everyone who performs repetitive
movements and is especially beneficial for
dancers, athletes and all who seek to improve
every aspect of their sport. The unique design
and customized approach of our programs create
more efficient, focused, strong, flexible and
balanced dancers and athletes. Practice mUvmethod
and change the way you move.
For more details http//www.muvmethod.com/
2About Christine Jones
mUvmethod founder, Christine Jones, has spent the
last two decades guiding others to move with
ease, strength and confidence. Christine has
studied dance, anatomy, kinesiology, pilates,
yoga, fascial health, and most everything
movement related in effort to help dancers,
athletes and all enhance their movement patterns,
as well as, restore their own unique and ideal
alignment, increase their strength, flexibility
and mobility and restore balance to their bodies,
minds and lives.
For more details http//www.muvmethod.com/
3mUv In Studio Programs
To get introduced to mUvmethod we recommend
booking a mUvmethod Master Class. Master Classes
are 90 minutes. Students will experience a 75
minute class followed by a Q and A around who we
are and what we do. From here we can explore
other program options, from weekly mUvmethod
classes, online support and content to trainings
and workshops.
For more details http//www.muvmethod.com/
4mUvmethod Certification Training
Our mUvmethod Level 1 Training is intended for
those already working in the field of yoga,
pilates, dance, fitness and/or movement. The
complete training is segmented into three, 20
hour modules, that can be taken separately.
You will learn our philosophies, techniques and
our functional approach to conditioning the body
and mind.
For more details http//www.muvmethod.com/
5mUv Retreats
Join mUvmethod and Awaken Retreats and Studio for
a day that will train dancers how to fuel, move,
and cross train their bodies for optimal health,
injury prevention, and take your dancing to the
next level. You will experience a variety of
classes, workshops and lectures. Your morning
will begin with a mUvmethod Length and Strength
class designed to get you moving, build heat and
find balance.
For more details http//www.muvmethod.com/
6Contact Us
E-mail www.muvmethod.com
Thank You
For more details http//www.muvmethod.com/