Title: Top 10 Tips for Weight Loss-Nehasnutrifitclinic
2- 1) First and foremost, your main purpose of
wanting to lose weight should be the desire to
live a healthy lifestyle.
3- 2) Make water your best friend!!!!
4- 3) Sodas are your enemy!!!!!!!!!!
5- 4) Do not eat Carbohydrate to much. Give your
body time to burn it before you go to bed.
Carbohydrates turn into sugar, sugar turns into
fat, and fat stores in the body causing you to
gain weight.
6- 5) Treat yourself every two weeks to something
you really love, but do not over eat. For,
example, if you love pizza , just have a small
slice, maybe 2.
7- 6) Cleanse your body once a month cleansing
takes toxins out of the body. There are natural
herbal teas you can use.
8- 7) LIFT WEIGHTS!!!!!!!!! Lift light doing allot
of repetitions. Muscles burn fat and at the same
time youre toning and sculpturing the body.
9- 8) Its not HOW MUCH you eat its WHAT you eat.
10- 9) Do NOT stress over losing weight, take one day
at a time to build a healthy lifestyle.
11- 10) Sleep Well 8 Hours/Night
Jaywant Apt. B, Ground Floor,Behind Sanghvi
Plywood, Tardeo,Opp. Sobo Central Mall,Mumbai -
400034.022 2352 5271,022 2352 527891 93201
20260 Email info_at_nehasnutrifitclinic.com Mon -
Sat 0600a.m to 0800p.m
12-A, Hastiraj Bldg,3rd Floor, Bapu Vashi
Road,Vile Parle(W), Mumbai - 400 056.022 2382
5271,022 382 527891 93201 20260Email
diet_at_nehasnutrifitclinic.com Mon - Sat
0600a.m to 0800p.m